值得一提的是,即便是面对各种不确定性因素,比如政策环境变化、市场风险等,不良率也保持着较低水平。这证明了我国-green finance产品不仅符合投资者的“环境价值”追求,更符合投资者的“经济价值”追求,对于投资者而言,是一个既有吸引力的资本配置选择。
除了规模增长外,我国也是green finance产品创新的一块沃土。在此基础上,国家级试验区制度被建立,以鼓励green financial product innovation。这些试点区分别位于浙江、江西、贵州、新疆、广东,每个地区都有其独特的地理位置和自然条件,为不同情况下green financial innovation提供了实际检验空间。
尽管历史短暂,但笔者认为,my country in green finance practice has been worth summarizing and promoting.
Firstly, the top-level design of my country's green financial system has gradually improved. The comprehensive policy framework for building a green financial system has been established by relevant government departments as stakeholders, making the top-level design compatible with micro-behavioral incentives.
Secondly, local governments have strengthened their autonomous promotion of green transformation. Currently, 31 provinces (cities and autonomous regions) have formulated policies to encourage the issuance of green bonds and green loans at the provincial level; cities have also issued related supporting policies. Although different provinces' policies take various forms-from providing monetary subsidies to issuers of green bonds to reducing barriers for borrowing by main bodies in environmental protection-the overall trend is that regional practices help accumulate experience for governments.
Thirdly, macro-prudential policy combined with micro-financial innovation has stimulated increased demand from all quarters for green financial assets. For example, qualified green bonds can be used as collateral for central bank refinancing business; mandatory pollution liability insurance increases investors' awareness of environmental risks.
Fourthly, industry associations play an important role in promoting innovative development in this field. China Financial Association Green Finance Committee members manage approximately two-thirds of all financial assets in China, playing a crucial role in popularizing industry-wide concepts and innovations related to green financing products.
At present, global economic transition towards greening is becoming an urgent task estimated to require tens or even hundreds of billions dollars worldwide for investment needs alone. In response to these demands on a global scale—financial solutions need globalization too! My Country's experiences gained through its journey from being a laggard to leading player provide wisdom and inspiration globally—worth learning about if you're keen on creating your own success story like mine!