1. 生物学方法的定义
2. 污水处理基础知识培训:入门篇
3. 生物过滤器及其工作原理
在实际应用中,最常见的一种生物过滤器是活性炭过滤器,它通过吸附效应来去除悬浮颗粒和部分有机物。但对于那些含有高浓度有机物或氮磷类营养盐的大量废水来说,更适合使用的是厌氧消毒法后接触式反応器(SBR)或气浮池(Aerated Lagoons)。这些设备可以有效地降低BOD5值,同时也能控制NPK水平,使得最终排放出的废液能够更加符合国家标准。
4. 微生物培育与定向选择
微organisms play a crucial role in the biological treatment of wastewater, as they are responsible for breaking down organic matter and converting it into less harmful substances or gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen.
a) 微bial communities and their diversity
The microbial community is incredibly diverse, with millions of different species that have evolved over billions of years to perform specific functions in nature. In wastewater treatment systems, these microorganisms must be able to tolerate a wide range of environmental conditions while still maintaining their ability to degrade pollutants effectively.
b) Microbial growth kinetics
Understanding the growth kinetics of microorganisms is essential for designing effective wastewater treatment systems. This includes knowledge of factors such as substrate utilization rates (e.g., BOD), biomass yields, endogenous decay rates (e.g., death rate), and maximum specific growth rates.
c) Nutrient limitation and control strategies
Microorganism populations require nutrients like carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), oxygen (O2), sulfur compounds (Sx), metals ions M(II/I/III/Vi/Fe/Cu/Zn/Pb/Ni/Cd/Hg/Au/Mo/W/Uo2/Sr/Ba/Rb/Y/La/Tl/Pt/Hg/Mn/Tc/Kr/Xe/Rn/Os/Ir/Xe/Rh/Pd/Au/Hg/Gd/Dy/Eu/Tm/Yb/La/Pr/Np/Uo2/W/Sr/Ba/Rb/Y/La/Tl/Pt/Hg/Mn/Tc/Kr/Xe/Rn/Os/Ir/Xe/Rh/Pd/Au/Hg/Gd/Dy/Eu/Tm/Yb/La/Pr/Np/Uo2/W/Sr/Ba/Rb/Y/L