




1.brake light(制动灯)


2.turn signal(转向指示器)



前照 lamps are used to illuminate the road ahead, making it easier for the driver to see and be seen by other road users. They play a crucial role in ensuring safety during nighttime or low-visibility driving conditions.

4.tail light(尾光)

Tail lights indicate when a vehicle is slowing down or coming to a stop, alerting drivers behind them of potential hazards such as pedestrians, cyclists, or unexpected stops.

5.hazard warning lights (危险预警信号)

Hazard warning lights are activated when there's an emergency situation on the vehicle side where you're pulling over or dealing with another hazard. It alerts others that your car might not be fully under control.



1.check owner's manual (参考手册)

The first step is always to consult your owner's manual for specific guidance on what each indicator means and how they should be addressed.

2.use diagnostic tools (使用诊断工具)

If you have access to diagnostic tools like OBD II readers, use them to scan for trouble codes and identify possible causes of issues.

3.schedule maintenance checks (计划保养检查)

Regular check-ups can help prevent many common problems from arising in the first place. Stay on top of routine maintenance tasks like oil changes and tire rotations.


In conclusion, understanding your car's fault indicators is essential for safe driving practices. By being aware of these signals and knowing how to respond appropriately, we can significantly reduce our risk of accidents while also prolonging our vehicles' lifespan through proper care and attention. Remember: stay vigilant; keep learning; drive safely!