

经过近四年的努力,六安市的水环境治理初见成效。通过高标准建设、高水平运营、高效率管理,六安供排水提质增效明显。安全供水能力、污水处理能力、污水集中收集率逐步提高,而污水处理量、COD(化学需氧量)削减量也逐步增长。城区14条黑臭water body全部完成治理销号。

“从这里,你能看到每一滴water’s‘前世今生’。”在长江环保集团六安water management company 集控中心,一位操作员向记者介绍起一滴water的旅程——大别山下雨后,小溪汇入横排头枢纽,被分为淠河和淠河总干渠两支。这段旅程不仅包括自来water供应,还包括生活pollution收集处理,以及最后返回到淠河中的净化流程。

这座城池涉及多种industry,如供给and 排放、垃圾and 污泥处理等十几种类型。而长江环保集团在此基础上开发了一个全新的system,它将这些不同industry统一起来,以实现更有效的管理和优化资源配置。此外,该system还具有数字巡检功能和智能运营管理功能,使得它成为一个真正的“智慧city”。

此外,在一些关键节点,比如临近节假日的大量用water时期,“ 水管家”能够根据实际情况调整供给and 处理capacity以确保稳定服务;同时,当降雨发生时,“ 水管家”能够预测可能积聚的地方并提前做好准备措施以防止内涝。此外,这里也是24/7 的应急指挥中心,如果监测点检测到异常,可以立即采取行动进行修复工作。

背后的技术研究包括但不限于:water system monitoring and sensing technology, city water management models and algorithms, smart control and scheduling technologies for water systems, as well as intelligent operation of sewage treatment plants with robots. These cutting-edge technologies have been applied to make the city's water supply one-piece-to-one-piece, factory-to-factory connected, and networked.

In addition to the above measures, three major areas of work were identified in order to further improve the quality of urban infrastructure: comprehensive urban planning; high-quality construction projects; and maintenance services. The aim is to ensure that all aspects of urban life are safe and healthy for residents.

The "Water Manager" system has already achieved some impressive results. For example, it has successfully implemented a smart drainage system that can detect potential blockages before they become serious problems. This not only saves time but also reduces costs associated with frequent repairs.

Moreover, the use of advanced sensors allows real-time monitoring of water quality across different parts of the city. This data helps officials identify trends or anomalies early on so they can take corrective action if necessary.

Furthermore, by integrating various industries under one roof (or rather pipeline), this integrated approach streamlines processes while minimizing environmental impact – a true win-win situation for both citizens' health & wellbeing alongside economic growth!