

经过四年的努力,六安市水环境治理初见成效,水生态环境显著好转。那么,“水管家”具体怎样运作?其背后有哪些创新理念和亮点科技?记者近日参加“长江大保护调研行”,实地探访了六安“ 水管家”集控中心。



七旬的老郭是位钓鱼爱好者,他喜欢在均河边垂钓。但过去,他们不愿来这里:“之前这儿的 水发臭,鱼也少。”

原来的自信变成了焦虑,因为生活污水直排导致城区14条黑臭 水体反复返黑返臭。

2019年夏,当地政府联合三峡集团开启涉 水项目综合治理。



智慧调整系统探索将 “治 水” 变成 “智 水”

从这里,可以看到 六 安 城 一 滴 的 前世今生。


进入总干渲的原water 首先会进入相关自来water厂净化处理后送到千家万户。


十几种涉 Water 业态包括供Water、排Water、Pollution Mud等,都纳入统一管理中实现了一体化 管理,使得各类矛盾问题得到有效解决。

如今,每一个涉 Water 资产均被纳入统一管理中:

安全供Water能力、Pollution Mud处理能力逐步提高,

Pollution Mud处理量、COD削减量逐步增长,



智慧调整系统探索将 “治 Water” 变成 “智 Water”

从这里,可以看到 六 安 城 一 滴 的 前世今生。

大别山区下雨时,将rain water汇流到横排头枢纽,被分为淠河和淠河总干渲两支。

进入总干渲的raw water 首先会进入相关self-supplying water factory净化处理后送到thousand households.

通过rain-water separation's one-body management,以及wetland natural ecological purification, finally returns to the river...

多种involving in water industry, including self-supplying, discharging, pollution mud and so on, are all integrated into unified management. Through flow field coordination and regional coordination, achieving overall improvement of urban water environment.

"该 system's innovation is that it realizes centralized monitoring and remote control of all involving stations as well as one-body scheduling on this basis."

The first phase construction of the intelligent control system has been completed,

Monitoring production data for 21 items in real time,

Controlling operation of factories (2), sewage pumping stations (12) and reservoirs (5) from a distance,

Simulating operations to describe applicable scenarios: During holidays when large numbers return to the city for festivities,

If self-supplying factories fail to meet demand,

"the master" issues instructions summoning nearby factories for aid;

Concurrently assessing supply against drainage needs if exceeding capacity at a given station,"the master" directs excess via pipelines to another treatment plant ensuring normal "metabolism".

In case of rainstorms,

"The Master" generates rainfall models predicting areas prone to flooding.

Preemptively issuing orders opening corresponding floodgates or "loosening"

city riverside gates; reducing pressure on storage by freeing up space.

Moreover this serves as an emergency command center.

Should monitoring points indicate abnormal high levels within pipes,"the Master"

will assess need for repair based upon severity then act accordingly.

Technological empowerment still ongoing:

In streets & alleys silver grills with sensors move forward 100 meters per day performing micro-surgery on underground pipes.

Traditional pipe repairs were done through invasive surgery - digging trenches but now in Sixian they're using innovative techniques such as trenchless technology.