
脉冲除尘器的使用说明 1、移动式焊烟净化设备,安装在产生粉尘的机械设备邻近处,并由用户按照除尘器的上进风口尺寸,自行配置金属或塑料管道和吸尘罩(也可由厂家设计)。2、单机脉冲除尘器工作前应检查检修门,各法兰连接处是否密封,以免漏气,降低除尘效果。 3、除尘器为380V电压,从除尘器外部电线街上电源后,便可以开始使用。初次运转时,应注意风机的转动方向(如反转,需要调换电源接线)。操作简单便捷,不仅节省时间,更确保了高效运行。4、控制柜在工作室不得随意打开。如果需要调节清灰时间,或检修电路,都应该停机或切断电源后进行。这不仅保障了安全,也有助于延长设备寿命。5、根据粉尘性质和含尘浓度的大小,可以灵活调整定时清灰功能,使其符合实际应用需求6、吸沉罩是保持高效运行状态至关重要的一部分配件。它必须紧密贴合加工件表面,以及考虑到粉末特性的设计原则,以确保最佳性能7.焊烟净化系统产品特点: - 架构紧凑美观; - 涡轮技术提供持续高效能输出; - 特殊设计提高真空度与风量,同时降低能源消耗; - HEPA滤芯过滤精细微粒,无“透粉”问题; - 集集箱容量大,便于清理维护; 多样化套件组合适用多种场景8.焊烟净化系统结构: 1.过滤单元:包括预过滤层、高效HEPA滤芯以及化学过滤层等三重保护,为0.3微米以下颗粒物实现99%以上捕捉率。此外,还具备有效去除异味及有害气体功能,使得整体排放达标标准9.选配脉冲清灰装置: 用户可选择手动或定时自动模式对过滤单元进行干燥处理。当执行清灰程序时,将通过精准控制释放强大的空气流来推送表面的污垢入集灰桶内10.抽风系统采用先进离心风机,其叶轮设计优雅且具有较大风量同时节约能源配置带有活动吸引臂,可从不同的高度轻松捕获散落之粉末11.Integrating all the above, our welding fume purification system boasts a robust construction with a durable steel outer shell and secure connections for long-lasting performance and easy maintenance.Furthermore, its ergonomic design ensures user comfort during operation while also promoting efficient airflow circulation throughout the device, ensuring maximum filtration efficiency and minimizing energy consumption in turn.All these features combined create an unparalleled level of cleanliness for your workspace by effectively capturing airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns, providing you with a healthier working environment that is both safe and productive to work in.The system's flexibility allows it to be easily integrated into various production settings without compromising on performance or functionality12.The company has been dedicated to research and development of smoke purification systems since its inception in 2012and continues to innovate based on market demands, offering new products that meet the ever-evolving needs of customers worldwide.Fully committed to providing cutting-edge solutions for industrial applications, we strive for excellence in every aspect of our technology – from product design through installation support – ensuring your satisfaction at every step along the way!