近日,山西晋城等地发布禁止露天烧烤相关通告,引发网友热议,有人甚至喊话“那去淄博呢?” 山东淄博一家烧烤店的厨师正在烤制肉串。 中新社记者 梁犇 摄 多地禁止露天烧烤 近日,山西晋城禁止露天烧烤的话题上了网络热搜,当地生态环境局城区分局发出通知,就进一步推进市区露天烧烤污染整治提出要求,流动的经营性露天烧烤、非经营性露天烧烤将依法进行取缔、清理。对违反相关规定的单位及个人将责令其改正,没收烧烤工具和违法所得,并处五百元以上二万元以下的罚款。 城市禁止露天 burn out the grill on a hot summer day, but not everyone is happy about it. Some people are wondering why the government is cracking down on outdoor barbecues when industrial pollution and car emissions are much bigger problems. "This issue needs to be addressed on a case-by-case basis," said Dr. Peng Yue, an environmental researcher at Tsinghua University. "Industrial emissions are large in quantity, but they are generally far from residential areas. Barbecue emissions may not be as large as industrial emissions, but they are in residential areas and can affect residents and the surrounding environment." According to Dr. Peng, barbecue pollution comes from burning coal or wood for fuel and releasing particulate matter and nitrogen oxides into the air. Meat cooked over an open flame also releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can contribute to smog formation.
The public's concern about air quality has led some cities to explore ways to reduce their impact while still allowing residents to enjoy their favorite grilled foods during the warmer months.
One such city is Shenyang in northeastern China's Liaoning province, which has banned all outdoor barbecues since 2014 due to concerns over air pollution caused by smoke from grills.
In other parts of China where outdoor barbecues continue