

本文就“进水BOD”这个问题进行探讨。首先,定义了BOD(生物化学需氧量),它是反映有机物含量的一个综合指标,是重要的water quality参数。一般清净河流五日生化需氧量不超过2mg/L,而工业、农业用水要求小于5mg/L,生活饮用water应小于1mg/L。


最后,从BOD看雨污分流和管网改扩建的问题。在实际操作中,由于非生活pollution排入稀释,以及管网流速过低导致大量BOD沉积在pipe内,这些因素导致进Water BOD浓度过低。这说明关注的是我国城市排Water pipe net clear-polluted mixed connection, rain-water mixed connection, pipe net system not scientific or old problems. Rain-water separation and pipe net construction are crucial in this regard.

The article concludes that the policy is concerned about improving the water quality by reducing the BOD levels in urban areas. The government has set a goal to achieve a 90% coverage of life sewage treatment plants with a BOD level above 100 mg/L by 2025. This requires significant investments in upgrading and expanding the sewage infrastructure, including rain water management systems. The market potential for such projects is substantial, estimated to be over RMB 2 trillion.

In summary, the policy aims at ensuring that all urban sewage treatment plants have a BOD level above 100 mg/L by 2025. This requires upgrading and expanding existing sewage infrastructure as well as implementing effective measures for managing industrial wastewater and agricultural runoff. The government has also emphasized the importance of separating rainwater from sewage to prevent pollution and improve water quality.

As part of its efforts to tackle black odor bodies (BOBs), China's Ministry of Environmental Protection has launched an initiative aimed at improving air quality in cities across the country through enhanced waste management practices.

Under this initiative, local governments will be required to implement stricter regulations on waste disposal facilities within their jurisdictions.

Furthermore, these governments must establish efficient monitoring systems to track compliance with environmental standards.

Additionally, they should provide incentives for businesses operating within designated regions who adhere strictly to green practices.

These initiatives are expected not only enhance air quality but also create job opportunities within related industries.