2.充分运用“四个配套办法”,及时启动行政与司 法联动机制,将案件移送公安机关,在严厉打击逃避监管方式排放pollutant違規行為的同時,起到了一定的震慑效應。
案例二:疏勒县某公司未保证大气pollutant 排放自动监测设备正常运行
疏勒县某公司未保证大气pollutant 排放自动监测设备正常运行行为違反了《大氣pollutant 防治條例》第二十四條第一款規定。我依據《大氣pollutant 防治條例》第一百條第三項規定,对疏勒縣企業處以2.9萬元罰款。
Pollution source automatic online monitoring is an important means of self-regulation for pollution sources, and pollution sources should ensure the normal operation of automatic monitoring equipment and the accuracy, completeness, and effectiveness of monitoring data.
Case three: Kashi City Company fails to fill out the pollutant discharge registration form
One: Case overview
In October 2023, I conducted a cross-departmental "double random" inspection on Kashi City Company together with other departments. According to the requirements of the "Fixed Pollution Sources Pollutants Emission Continuous Monitoring Technical Specifications," Kashi City Company should have filled out the pollutant discharge registration form. However, during the inspection, I found that Kashi City Company had not submitted any pollutant discharge registration forms nor could they provide such information on-site help desk platform.
Two: Handling situation
Kashi City Company's failure to fill out the pollutant discharge registration form violated Article 24 of Chapter II of Law No.. Based on Notification No., exempting administrative penalties for violation cases in 2022 (Version), my office decided not to impose administrative penalties on Kashi City Company for its illegal act.
Three: Inspirational significance:
The pollutantt permit is a basic system for managing fixed pollution sources and is also a main basis for environmental management.
My office actively implemented an optimization policy aimed at creating a favorable business environment while promoting an "enforcement + service" concept by providing timely guidance and assistance to enterprises in rectifying their illegal acts.
This has further helped in achieving high-quality economic development in our region.