




某钢铁厂原先使用的是传统脱硫技术,其脱硫尾气含氮酸盐较高,因此导致下游河流受到污染。在实施新的脱硫技术后,该厂不仅减少了大气中的SO2和NOx浓度,还将脏泥转化为无害产品,从而有效控制了Industrial wastewater discharge standards - Strict Implementation: The New Era of Industrial Wastewater Discharge Standards

Industrial wastewater discharge standards are an important tool for the government to control industrial pollution. In recent years, China has made great progress in this area. With the implementation of stricter regulations and technologies, many enterprises have significantly reduced their environmental impact.

Case 1: Steel Industry

A steel plant previously used traditional desulfurization technology, which resulted in high sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions into the atmosphere. After upgrading to a new desulfurization system, not only did SO2 and NOx emissions decrease dramatically but also hazardous waste was minimized through efficient treatment processes.

Case 2: Chemical Industry

In response to tighter regulations on industrial effluent discharge standards, a chemical plant invested heavily in advanced water recycling systems that allowed it to recycle up to 80% of its wastewater back into production processes. This innovation not only cut down on energy consumption but also reduced the overall volume of waste discharged into rivers.

The new era of industrial wastewater discharge standards has set a precedent for sustainable development by requiring companies across various sectors to adopt environmentally friendly practices and technologies. As these measures continue to evolve and become more stringent, we can expect significant improvements in air quality as well as water resources conservation nationwide.

industrial effluent levels effectively.


