
为保证活动科学有序开展,需要提前制定活动计划。 活动方案的内容和形式必须围绕活动的主题展开,最终达到活动的目的或意义。 优秀的活动策划有哪些特点? 以下是小编收集整理的2022年全国节能宣传周活动方案(共11篇)。 欢迎大家学习参考,希望对大家有所帮助。


为增强广大幼儿节能意识,贯彻落实《关于做好20xx年事业单位节能宣传周活动的通知》精神,结合学校实际, ,决定于6月13日至6月19日开展全国节能宣传、20xx周暨全国低碳日活动,现制定全校活动计划如下:



20xx年全国低碳日的主题是“xxxx”。 全国低碳日是 6 月 15 日。


20xx 年 6 月 13-19 日


1.综合采取节能减排措施。 结合我校实际,强化师生节能环保意识,从学校发展建设和日常运行管理的大局出发,统筹做好节能、节水、和环境保护。 严格执行国家节能环保标准,节约每一滴水、每一度电、每一粒粮食、每一张纸,节约资源,保护环境。

2、营造节能减排的校园文化氛围。 利用国旗下讲话、早会、红领巾广播等形式,广泛宣传限制使用塑料购物袋和资源回收利用的成效,积极倡导绿色低碳发展理念,要求全体师生参与节能活动。 旅部向全校师生发出倡议,倡议师生从自身做起,从身边的小事做起,践行节能减排。

3、加强节能环保知识教育。 利用国旗下讲话、晨会和红领巾广播电台,丰富和丰富学校教育教学中的节能环保教育内容。 将节能环保落实到学校和课堂。

4、组织开展以节能减排为主题的教育活动。 各中队各中队召开“你节能,我减排,地球母亲笑得开心”为主题的班组会,引导同学们树立节能环保理念,注重生活中的节约之道、学习和寻找节能小窍门和方法,熟悉要求,宣传群众,教育自己。








2、注意节能知识的宣传。 通过节能主题班会、论文征集、手抄报等形式,宣传节能低碳知识,倡导节能低碳行为,营造浓厚的活动氛围,促进工作顺利开展节能宣传周。

3、上好节能低碳主题课。 6月15日要求全体班主任讲节能低碳课,教育学生节约用电、节约用水、节约食品,着重让学生了解节能低碳的意义,应该做些什么。从我做起时注意。 教育引导学生正确树立生态文明观念。

4.开展一次实践活动。 6月15日“全国低碳日”当天,我校组织学生开展了“三少三不”体验活动。 “不”就是一天之内不使用一次性用品,不坐车,不开空调,引导学生增强节能、低碳、环保的生活意识。


1、加强组织领导,确保活动落到实处。 要充分认识深入长期开展节能宣传教育的重要意义,统筹安排、周密部署,在节能减排中形成强大的节能减排势头和浓厚氛围。宣传周。 学校高度重视,将节能宣传周作为近期的一项重要工作来抓,确保活动的顺利开展。

2.认真组织实施,确保实效。 学校充分认识节能环保教育宣传的重要性和必要性,认真落实要求,制定实施方案,精心组织活动,确保活动取得实效。


根据市事业单位节能工作领导小组办公室《关于认真做好我市事业单位节能宣传周工作的通知》精神,开展事业单位节能宣传周活动将在 x 上从 x 发射到 x。 现将有关事项通知如下。


围绕主题,广泛传播节约能源和生态文明理念,深入贯彻落实《节约反对浪费条例》,积极宣传事业单位在生态文明建设和美丽中国建设中的重要作用,采取多种形式进行普及宣传节能常识,倡导节能减排。 节水新技术,培养节能习惯,积极发挥示范带动作用。




1、主题推广活动。 通过举办专题讲座和宣传活动,开展能源资源状况和基本国情教育,普及节能低碳、节水和资源循环利用知识。

2、“低碳日”能源紧缺体验活动。 xx年“全国低碳日”当天,我们组织了能源紧缺体验和绿色低碳出行活动,倡导上班族减少一次性用品的消耗和待机能耗。 开展公共区域关空调、关灯等体验活动。 鼓励乘坐公共交通工具、骑自行车或步行上下班,以低碳办公模式和出行方式体验能源短缺,支持节能减排。


4.“节能公益短信”宣传活动。 节能宣传周期间,以短信、QQ群的形式发送“节能公益短信”。


1、成立活动领导小组。 xxx主任任活动领导小组组长,xxx副主任任副组长,xx任委员。 局事业单位节能办公室具体组织开展各项活动。


三、节能宣传周结束后,局属事业单位节能办公室要认真总结节能宣传周活动情况,并将图片资料和汇总材料电子版报送市办事管理处x 月 x 前事业单位节能管理办公室办公室。






节能宣传周期间,企业、机关、学校、农村、社区等要重点宣传节能低碳的生产方式、消费方式和生活习惯。 中美等新兴媒体加强全社会能源资源和国情宣传教育,普及合理使用能源、提高能效、减少浪费等节能理念,进一步提高全民节能意识。





区科技局负责积极推广节能新技术,采取多种方式在全社会推广和普及节能低碳技术,组织工业企业总结和推广节能减排的经验和成果。节能增效,持续开展“节能我献策”等活动。 活动,。










各单位要坚持科学发展主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为重点,坚持把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会作为加快转变经济发展方式的重要抓手,大力推进能源保护。 要深入企业、社区、商场、学校、农村、军营,开展形式多样的节能宣传活动,传播节能理念,普及节能知识,动员全民参与。力求宣传范围更广、影响更大、效果更好,形成更加浓厚的节能社会氛围。



本次活动主要围绕全国节能宣传周的统一要求,认真贯彻落实《关于加快推进生态文明建设的意见》等有关文件,以生态文明建设为主线,汇聚各界力量普及生态文明和绿色低碳发展理念和知识,促进绿色生产生活方式的形成。 加大宣传力度,动员全社会参与节能减碳。





节能宣传周期间,一是在门户网站开设“节能宣传周”栏目,烘托节能宣传周氛围。 二是开办节能知识宣传栏,向机关宣传普及节能知识。 三是制作垃圾分类宣传栏,普及垃圾分类、节能低碳常识。 四是在显着位置和各办公室张贴节能宣传画,进一步增强政府干部和职工节能工作的责任意识。


x月x日是“全国低碳日”。 当天,机关全体干部将身着印有节能减排风格的文化衫,开展绿色出行、绿色办公活动。 以低碳办公方式和出行方式体验能源紧缺,支持节能减排。 一是倡导低碳出行。 鼓励干部职工一日停开车辆,鼓励乘坐公交、地铁、自行车、步行上下班,当天不乘坐电梯上下楼梯。 二是体验低碳生活。 关闭不必要的照明、空调、电脑、打印机、复印机等电器和办公设备,体验节能低碳办公新生活,弘扬低碳环保理念。




夏季来临,即将进入用水用电高峰期。 按照市节办要求,各单位、各部门下发节能倡议书,并动员干部职工在倡议书上签名,响应市节办号召,发挥了表率作用。公共机构节能。 积极参与节能运动。


为进一步倡导节能减排理念,普及节能知识,将组织机关全体干部开展以“节水在xx市,低x月x节碳节能与你”。 培训结束后,组织全体干部进行节能知识测试。


邀请xx回收公司组织回收机关干部的旧手机、电话机、收录机、录像机、废电池、报废日光灯。 营造倡导节约、理性消费、低碳环保的社会风尚,推动形成绿色生产生活方式。


xx年6月至x年,是我国xx年全国节能宣传周,xx年6月是全国低碳日。 根据省、市节能减排精神,结合我校实际,学校将在校内开展节能宣传周活动。











4、团委组织志愿者对全校低碳生活不力情况进行检查揭发。 曝光板位于一楼的大厅。 负责人:xx老师,xx同学。 主要检查内容:一次性用品的使用情况。 使用塑料袋。 学生骑摩托车和电动车上学。 空调温度低于26度。 没有及时关风扇和灯。 水龙头没有及时关闭。 纸张可用但已丢弃。 将可回收物直接扔进垃圾桶等。









20xx 年 6 月 12-18 日。






6.14 节能宣传活动主题会,节能办节能组长、节能人员参加。

6.15 悬挂标语、条幅,张贴宣传海报。 综合处节能小组配合宣传周活动,组织员工观看节能宣传片或相关作品。 此外,在文化活动中心放映影片时,还插入了一段节能宣传短片。 社会事务服务中心由服务中心联系党政办公厅自行准备。

6.16“践行节约型环保企业,建设绿色花园式工厂”从我做起。 党政办公厅节能工作组配合发放《节能减排,全民行动》、环保袋等宣传资料。 下午节能办在北集镇街道对员工进行派发培训,普及节能低碳、应对气候变化知识; 利用课后“5分钟谈话”进行“气候变暖与温室效应”的宣传教育。 节能组党政办准备材料,做好培训记录。

6.17 低碳日 低碳日当天,办公区空调停用一天(网络中心机房等特殊场所除外)。 对干部办公场所等场所用水、用电情况进行监督检查。

6.18 各分会工会可组织节能知识竞赛、微博节能传播等活动,工会中心可自行组织。

6.19 组织工作环境、街道环境垃圾义务收集活动,美化我们北集镇纪委。 镇纪委组织各中心进行节能板报评比。 节能办公室组织办公室和干部进行评比。

6.20更换政府大院和宿舍区损坏的水龙头,将白炽灯更换为节能灯。 服务中心 服务中心 联系维修人员进行更换或维修。

6.21 总结表彰节能办各中心及时上报获奖情况。




根据xx省事业单位开展节能宣传周活动精神,要求各地区、各部门结合自身情况,开展以“节约、勤俭”为主题的节能宣传周活动。现实。 为做好部节能宣传周相关工作,特制定本方案。



2. 时间表




湖。 一日低碳节能体验。 机构开展“低碳体验日”,所有机构公共区域空调、照明关闭一天。

2.倡导低碳出行一周。 宣传周期间,鼓励大家乘坐公共交通工具、骑自行车或步行上下班,实现低碳出行。

3、集中开展低碳节能宣传活动。 结合健康步行部集体活动,通过发放宣传资料、悬挂节能条幅、开展节能知识问答等形式,组织部干部职工开展集中低——低碳节能宣传活动。

4.开展抵制商品过度包装运动。 政府官员自觉抵制商品过度包装,带头使用环保购物袋,减少塑料袋和一次性餐具、洗漱用品的使用。









20xx年全国节能宣传周的主题是“节能减碳,绿色发展”。 全市围绕全国节能周宣传主题,开展形式多样的住房和城乡建设节能宣传活动,倡导节能、低碳、绿色生活。


从 23 日到 29 日 xx,20xx。


开展节能减碳倡议活动,营造节能环保、绿色社会新风尚。 开展国家标准《绿色建筑评价标准》、《内蒙古自治区住宅建筑节能标准(75%节能量)》、《内蒙古自治区公共建筑节能设计》网上“云”宣贯培训活动标准(节能65%)”,以提高从业者推动标准的实施和应用; 加强媒体宣传和科普报道,向公众传播绿色建筑标准和绿色建材健康理念。 在社区组织开展绿色建筑、绿色建材活动,向社区居民普及建筑节能、绿色建筑、绿色建材知识。 开展建筑节能、绿色建材、绿色建筑技术宣传活动,利用公告栏、微博等平台、线下互动体验等方式宣传建筑节能、绿色建材、绿色建筑政策法规、技术产品及相关产品生活常识,提高社会公众绿色意识。


(1)在xx市住房和城乡建设局网站及各旗县门户网站、微信、微博等转发相关文件、大赛、动画视频等,进一步传播树立节能理念,提高节能意识,推动节能减排,在全社会掀起节能减碳热潮,助力实现碳达峰和碳中和。 (各旗县区建设主管部门,xx市住房和城乡建设局建筑节能与科技教育科,xx市城市基础设施运行监测技术中心)

(二)利用门户网站和内部工作网进行宣传。 利用电子屏进行宣传,投放宣传标语,发布节能宣传周标语及相关信息,营造倡导节能的氛围。 (各旗县区建设管理局、xx市住建局建筑节能与科技教育科、xx市城市基础设施运行监测技术中心、住房城乡综合保障中心xx市建设)

(三)配合发展改革委、政务管理部门做好节能宣传周启动仪式。 Put up energy-saving exhibition boards in the field of construction, publicize policies and popular science knowledge, answer questions from the masses, popularize energy-saving knowledge to the general public, advocate green concepts, and promote energy-saving and carbon-reducing methods. (The construction administrative departments of the counties and districts of each banner, the Building Energy Conservation and Science and Technology Education Section of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of xx City, and the Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Comprehensive Guarantee Center of xx City)

(4) Carry out building energy saving, green building materials and green building into the community activities. Starting from serving the daily life of residents, give full play to the role of community properties, distribute energy-saving and carbon-reducing promotional materials, post posters in community display windows, and popularize home building energy-saving policies, regulations, technical measures, common sense of energy-saving and low-carbon life, and popularize garbage among community residents Classify knowledge and advocate community residents to start from themselves and from the family to practice energy conservation and carbon reduction. Organize and launch project units that have obtained green building and green building material labels to carry out publicity, combine green home creation, spread the healthy concept of green building standards and green building materials, and guide the community to actively carry out building energy conservation. (Construction administrative departments of various banners and counties, xx City Construction Industry Association, xx City Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Green Development Promotion Center, xx City Construction Project Fire Protection Design Review and Acceptance Service Center, xx City Property Management Office)

(5) Post posters in eye-catching places in and around office buildings, advocating saving electricity and water, saving office consumables, reducing the frequency of use of air-conditioning elevators, and giving play to the exemplary role of government agencies. (The construction administrative departments of the counties and districts of each banner, the housing and urban-rural construction comprehensive security center of xx city)

(6) Recommend a batch of typical experiences. Sorting out the experience and achievements of the “13th Five-Year Plan” in energy conservation and carbon reduction in the field of housing and construction in this region, and recommending a group of regions, enterprises and individuals who have made positive demonstrations in practicing the concept of green water and lush mountains and promoting green and low-carbon development, and guiding energy conservation, Environmental protection, green social new trend. (Department of construction administration in counties and districts of each banner, Building Energy Conservation and Science and Technology Education Section of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of xx City)

(7) Promote a batch of new energy-saving technologies. Organize associations, business representatives, and industry experts to hold promotion meetings. Based on the national key energy-saving and low-carbon technology promotion catalog, and guided by the energy-saving and carbon-reduction technology needs of construction enterprises in the city, select energy-saving, carbon-reducing, water-saving, Circular economy focuses on the promotion of technologies, accurately connects enterprises and institutions in need, promotes a batch of reliable and priority building energy-saving new technologies, new equipment, and new products, improves energy utilization efficiency, and promotes low-carbon green development. (xx City Construction Industry Association, xx City Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Green Development Promotion Center)

(8) Organize construction units to make hanging banners on the site of energy-saving renovation of new and existing residential buildings to promote energy-saving buildings, green buildings, prefabricated buildings, passive buildings and green building materials. (The construction administrative departments of the counties and districts of each banner, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement detachment of construction engineering quality in xx city, and the agency construction center for non-operating projects invested by the government at the same level in xx city)


(1) The construction administrative departments of all banners, counties and districts should combine the actual conditions of the region, strengthen communication and cooperation with the local development and reform departments and government affairs management departments, formulate a work plan for energy conservation publicity, and carefully organize and carry out this energy conservation publicity week.

(2) After the event, the construction administrative departments of all banners, counties, and districts, and the bureau-affiliated units must carefully summarize the activities, and submit the summary materials with pictures and texts to the Building Energy Conservation and Science and Technology Education Section of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau before August 31.

National Energy Conservation Publicity Week Activity Plan Chapter 10

In order to deeply carry out the 20xx National Energy Conservation Publicity Week and Low Carbon Day activities, firmly establish the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, widely publicize the basic national policies of saving money and protecting the environment, and actively cultivate and practice conservation and intensive recycling The concept of resources, vigorously advocate the social fashion of thrift and thrift, and create a strong atmosphere of energy conservation and carbon reduction in the whole society. Combined with the actual situation of our city, the following plan is specially formulated.


This year’s National Energy Conservation Publicity Week is from xx to xx, and the National Low Carbon Day is on xx.


The theme of this year’s National Energy Conservation Publicity Anniversary is “xx”. The theme of the National Low Carbon Day is “xx”.

3. Arrangement of main activities

(1) Holding on-site energy-saving publicity activities

It will be organized by the Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction Office of the Municipal Leading Group for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction and the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau. Together with the Municipal Office Affairs Administration, Municipal Statistics Bureau, Municipal Power Supply Bureau, Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Municipal Tourism Bureau, Municipal Municipal Supervision Bureau, Municipal Water Control Office, Municipal Public Utilities Group, Municipal Energy, Bank xx Branch and other units held the scene in xx Park publicity. Invite xx TV station, xx daily and other news media to conduct publicity reports.

(2) Organize WeChat energy-saving knowledge prize-winning competition

It is organized by the Municipal Energy Conservation Office and the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau. Design a question bank of energy-saving related knowledge, use the WeChat platform to carry out publicity, and popularize knowledge of energy-saving laws and regulations and common sense of energy-saving to the general public.

(3) Carry out publicity on energy-saving laws and regulations such as the “Energy Conservation Law of the People’s Republic of China”

It is organized by the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal Energy. Taking the opportunity of Energy Conservation Publicity Week, we will use xx TV station, bus on-board TV and other media to carry out a one-month promotion of energy conservation laws and regulations, and enhance the awareness of the whole society in using energy according to law and rationally.

(4) Carrying out theme publicity for Energy Conservation Publicity Week and Low Carbon Day

1. It is organized by the Municipal Economic and Information Bureau and the Municipal Energy. Publicize on TV stations, newspapers, radio stations, buses, taxis, and outdoor billboards or large electronic screens on important road sections and places in the urban area, highlighting the theme of this year’s “xx” and “xx”. Push public welfare messages on the theme of Energy Conservation Publicity Week to citizens, advocating nationwide action to actively practice energy conservation and consumption reduction.

2. Organized by the towns, streets and departments. All townships (streets) hang up energy-saving and low-carbon promotional banners on important road sections and places with a large flow of people within their jurisdictions. All townships (streets) and departments use electronic screens to display the theme of the Energy Conservation Publicity Week in their units and systems.

It is organized by key energy-consuming units. All key energy-consuming units hang banners with energy-saving and low-carbon promotional slogans in conspicuous places in their factory areas, and use electronic screens to display the theme of the energy-saving publicity week.

(5) Carry out low-carbon day green travel activities

It is specifically organized by the Energy Saving and Consumption Reduction Office of the Municipal Leading Group for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction. On the National Low-Carbon Day of xx, we will send text messages to the staff of various agencies, institutions, social groups and other units, advocating travel by public transportation, walking or cycling, and take the lead in practicing green travel, low-carbon travel, bright travel.

The Energy Conservation Publicity Week is sponsored by the Energy Conservation and Consumption Reduction Office of the Municipal Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Work Leading Group and the Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology. All townships (streets), relevant units, especially municipal energy-saving and consumption-reducing member units should combine their actual work, carefully plan, carefully organize, and actively carry out distinctive energy-saving and low-carbon publicity activities, and strive to have an impact on the activities and see actual results. The society creates a strong atmosphere of energy saving and carbon reduction.

National Energy Conservation Publicity Week Activity Plan 11


The theme of the 20xx National Energy Conservation Publicity Week and the National Low Carbon Day is “xx”.

2. 活动

(1) Propaganda is launched to create an atmosphere (responsible for the garden department).

(2) Energy-saving and low-carbon publicity activities (xx and xxx are in charge).

1. Publicity and education. Distribute brochures to all teachers and students in the park, and make food-saving and energy-saving publicity exhibition boards.

2. Carry out food saving education in combination with the curriculum. In daily teaching activities, teachers teach children how to cherish food through language teaching activities, such as telling the story of cherishing food “The Big Rooster Who Leaks the Mouth”, nursery rhymes: “Eat the Chinese food on the CD, there will be no leftovers today”, and the ancient poem “Hoe Wo”. Food, put an end to the truth of waste.

3. Practice energy-saving concepts such as saving food and water in one-day activities. Pay attention to energy and water conservation in children’s daily life, such as turning off the faucet in time after washing their hands, drinking an appropriate amount of water by themselves, and not wasting it, and requiring children to do three things when eating, that is, “clean dishes, clean tables, and clean floors”. Faculty and administrative staff advocate economy in their daily work, set an example, and eliminate waste.

4. Cooperate with the homeland to carry out food-saving actions. Mobilize parents at home to urge their children to cherish food, be diligent and thrifty, and let children develop good eating habits. When eating, children are required to eat their own meals without spilling rice or leftovers.

5. Energy-saving and low-carbon publicity and display activities for large teams

1), large group children’s collective exercise festival display (the world is so beautiful);

2) Recitation of ancient poems and martial arts performance in Class Two: Compassionate Farmers;

3), the fashion show of the first class: my CD, my glory;

4) Cross talk performance in the junior class;

5) Interesting questions and answers on food saving knowledge.

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