2022 年 11 月 3 日
为扎实推进“无废城市”建设,根据《中共中央 国务院关于深入开展污染防治攻坚战的意见》(中发[2021] 40号)和《“十四五”期间“无废城市”建设工作规划》(环市[2021]114号)、《山东省“无废城市”建设》根据《工作方案》(鲁政字[2022]130号)等文件,结合我市实际情况,制定本方案。
(一)指导思想。 深入贯彻习近平生态文明思想,全面贯彻落实习近平总书记对山东工作和视察东营的重要指示要求,落实黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展国家重大战略,坚持以人民为中心以工业固体废物和农业固体废物、生活垃圾、建筑垃圾和危险废物污染防治为中心,继续推进固体废物源头减量化和资源化利用,最大限度减少垃圾填埋场数量,建立健全城市固体废物处理体系完善环境管理体系,创新苦干,争创一流,奋力谱写黄河三角洲生态保护和高质量发展新篇章,为加快建设高质量发展提供重要支撑。水平、现代化、实力雄厚的城市。
——坚持求新求变,突出新理念引领。 践行尽量减少固体废物对环境影响的城市发展新理念、新模式,以广泛形成绿色生产生活方式为目标,突出区域特色,改革创新,推进“无废东营”建设。
——坚持协同推进生态环境多目标治理。 全面落实打好污染防治攻坚战、实现碳达峰、碳中和等重大战略部署,统筹新污染物治理、减少污染、减少碳排放,坚持陆海统筹,推进固体废物污染防治协同治理,促进全市全面绿色转型。
——坚持统筹协调,深化各领域绿色转型。 建立党委领导、政府领导、企业主体、社会组织、公众参与的工作架构,系统推进工业固废污染防治、农业固废综合利用和无害化处理、分类处理等工作。生活垃圾处理、建筑垃圾综合利用、危险废物标准化管理等工作,形成上下联动、横向协作的整体合力。
——坚持高质量发展,实现美丽东营的内在要求。 抓住黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展重大战略机遇,积极创建黄河口国家公园,坚守生态环境安全底线,推进环境治理体系和治理现代化力争打造大江三角洲生态保护和治理的重要标杆。
(三)主要目标。 “十四五”期间,我们将坚持高质量发展和协同发展,坚持全领域固废统筹治理。 到2025年,形成具有东营特色的“无废城市”建设管理路线,基本建成生活垃圾分类处理体系。 工业固废产生强度逐步下降,综合利用水平显着提升,危险废物环境风险得到有效管控,固废管理体系和治理能力显着提升。
一、强化制度政策引导作用。 深入贯彻落实《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》等法律法规,以无废理念为指导,全面梳理各领域固体废物管理现状积极探索固体废物减量化、资源化、无害化新思路、新路径、新技术,完善地方固体废物管理制度体系。 (市发展改革委、市科技局、市工业和信息化局、市生态环境局、市住房城乡建设管理局、市水务局、市农业农村局等负责按职责分工)推动《东营市生活垃圾分类管理条例》立法和《东营市建筑垃圾管理办法》修订,制定《东营市生活垃圾处理费征收管理办法》 (市发展改革委、市住建局等按职责分工负责)推动固废管理跨部门、跨层级、跨领域数据共享和平台互联,利用信息化建设“一网”、部门协作“一网”、服务企业“一点通”等技术系统,实现“无废城市”智能化监管,为科学决策提供支撑。 (市工业和信息化局、市生态环境局、市住房城乡建设管理局、市交通局、市水利局、市农业农村局、市卫生健康委、市大数据中心等负责根据职责分工)立足本地区产业发展和固废管理,探索本地经验,形成一条有特色、有重点、有创新的“无废”之路。 (各县区政府、市开发区管委会、省黄河三角洲农业高新区管委会负责落实。以下工作除明确责任县和功能区外,各县、区区政府、市开发区管委会、省黄河三角洲农业高新区管委会具体实施,不再列名)
2.推动低碳理念的广泛认同。 通过电视、网站、微信等媒体积极广泛宣传“无浪费”理念,组织开展主题宣传活动,倡导垃圾分类、低碳出行、共享、绿色消费、光盘行动等绿色生活方式,鼓励学校开展“不浪费”活动。 引领绿色低碳生活的城市知识宣传教育。(市委宣传部牵头,市发展改革委、市教育局、市生态环境局、市住房城乡建设局、市商务局、市文化和旅游局)培育“无废细胞”,增强公民“无废细胞”参与意识、认同感和获得感开展“无废家庭”、“无废社区”、“无废商场”、“无废餐厅”、“无废酒店”、“无废机构”建设”和“无废学校”。到2025年,建成100个“无废小区”。(市教育局、市财政局、市生态环境局、市住房城乡建设管理局、市商务局、市文化和旅游局、市政务局、市妇联等按职责分工负责)
3.实施重点工业行业绿色转型升级。 加快重点行业企业分类转移、裁减、整合和关闭,淘汰落后低效产能。 (市工业和信息化局、市发展改革委牵头)以绿色设计产品、绿色工厂、绿色园区为重点,全面推进高效清洁低碳循环绿色制造体系建设。 到2025年,引导创建30家以上国家级和省级绿色工厂、绿色工业园区、绿色设计产品、绿色供应链企业,打造东营市绿色制造体系。 (市工业和信息化局牵头)推进有色金属、石化、化工等重点行业清洁化改造,依法开展强制性清洁生产审核,评选一批清洁生产先进单位。 (市生态环境局牵头)坚持“推新压旧”、“增大压小”、“增高压压小”、“巩固压小”分散”,实现“两高”项目建设,减少产能、能源消耗和煤炭。 在碳减排、碳减排和常规污染物减排方面,严格按照《关于“两高”项目管理有关事项的通知》(鲁发改工业[2022]2022)的要求,严格落实新建“两高”项目。 】第255期)。 (市发展改革委、市工业和信息化局、市生态环境局、市行政审批局等按职责分工负责)
4、实现园区绿色、低碳、循环发展。 推动现有工业园区循环化改造,推进废物综合利用、能源梯级利用、水资源循环利用。 打造一批专业特色鲜明、综合竞争力强、产业链完整的重点园区,支持有条件的园区努力成为国家级、省级循环化改造示范试点园区、低碳工业园区、绿色园区、国家绿色产业示范基地。 到2025年,完成省级园区循环化改造,打造4个省级生态产业园区。 (市发展改革委、市工业和信息化局、市生态环境局等按职责分工负责)挖潜增效释放减碳减排新空间,实现能源消耗“双控”(能源消耗总量和强度控制)和工业“双赢”(生产全过程和产品生命周期控制)理念贯穿清洁生产过程,引导园区和大型企业集团建设“无废物公园”和“无废物工厂”。 到2025年,全市将建成3个“无废园区”、10个“无废工厂”。 (市生态环境局牵头,市发展改革委、市工业和信息化局配合)
5.推进一般工业固体废物综合利用。 鼓励资源综合利用技术研发,组织开展一般工业固体废物资源综合利用评价,推动一般工业固体废物资源化利用规模化、产业化,提升综合利用能力。 到2025年,新增一般工业固体废物综合利用率不低于80%。 (市工业和信息化局牵头,市生态环境局配合)全面摸清一般工业固废贮存场地数量,逐步解决历史遗留问题。 督促全市燃煤电厂制定固体废物减量化和资源化利用规划,推动粉煤灰、矿渣、脱硫石膏等工业固体废物逐步降低产生强度、降低储存风险。 (市生态环境局牵头)科学评估环境风险,制定胜利电厂历史积累的粉煤灰、炉渣等固体废物减量计划,“十四五”期间有序减量-年度计划”期间。 (东营区政府、胜利石油管理有限公司负责)
6.因地制宜建设绿色矿山。 严格执行矿山准入规定,新建矿山必须符合绿色矿山标准,实行合同管理。 将“三率”指标、先进适用技术、矿山地质环境保护和土地复垦、绿色矿山建设要求纳入矿业权出让合同。 落实绿色勘查相关要求,矿产勘查项目立项、设计、施工必须符合绿色勘查规范。 到2025年,全市所有矿山均达到绿色矿山建设要求,新建矿山投产后一年内完成绿色矿山建设。 (市自然资源和规划局牵头)
七、推进胜利油田“无废油田”建设。 以绿色企业行动计划为指导,推动勘探开发、运营管理全过程固体废物源头减量化、资源化利用和无害化处置,促进资源循环利用和价值最大化。 开展固体废物全生命周期管控审核分析,推进清洁生产审核,重点推广固体废物减量化和资源化效果显着的清洁工艺。 推动现场标准化,推广绿色环保技术,探索连续杆管作业规模化应用,实现全生命周期低成本、长寿命吊装。 开展“无废采油厂”建设,推动油泥砂快速高效处置,探索油泥砂等固体废弃物资源化利用新技术、新途径。 突出绿色低碳标准引导,加大清洁能源、无毒无害化学品等原材料采购力度,引导生产过程使用环保产品。 到2025年12月底,建立绿色供应链和固废循环利用体系,工业固废、建筑垃圾减量化和资源化水平全面提升,危险废物环境风险全面管控。 (胜利石油管理局有限责任公司负责)
八、坚持生态农业。 深化绿色种养循环农业试点,实现种养一体化、农牧一体化、生态循环发展,鼓励调理菜产业发展,提高蔬菜加工水平。产地蔬菜清洁。 推广地膜的科学使用。 到2023年6月末,加厚高强地膜应用面积推广至20万亩,全生物降解地膜应用面积1万亩。 大力推广测土配方施肥、水肥一体化、有机肥替代等技术措施,继续推进化肥减量化示范区建设,推广配方肥应用。 2025年,全市化肥使用量比2020年下降6%左右。示范推广高效低毒、生物农药等新型农药,严格控制高毒、高风险农药使用,进一步推进高效低毒、生物农药等新型农药的推广应用。推进统一防控,加大绿色防控技术推广力度。 在病虫害发生稳定的情况下,全市农药用量力争比2020年减少10%。(市农业农村局牵头)
9.开展黄河滩区种植业绿色发展试点。 坚持品质兴农、绿色农业,在黄潭区沿线垦利区、利津县建设万亩实验示范基地。 示范基地将全面实施有机肥替代粮食作物肥料,探索完善有机肥替代化肥的技术模式和社会化。 运行机制。 黄潭区沿线的东营区、河口区、垦利区、利津县粮棉作物全面开展病虫害统一防治,鼓励引导农业经营主体积极推广绿色防治技术。生态调控、生物防治、物理化学诱导防治等病虫害防治。 提高病虫害防治组织化水平,全面实现农药减量、增效、提质、环保目标。 积极推广黄河口优质特小麦、大米等特色产业生产技术标准,支持和鼓励新经营主体注册自主品牌和申请绿色有机产品认证,增强品牌意识和品牌意识。滩区绿色有机农产品的市场竞争力。 (市农业农村局牵头)
10.推进农业固体废物资源化利用。 积极推广秸秆破碎还田、快速分解还田等技术,支持农业机械和农艺措施,提高还田质量。 到2025年,全市农作物秸秆综合利用率稳定在95%以上。 在全市开展地膜科学利用和回收试点,因地制宜探索总结有效回收模式,加强补贴政策落实,建立健全回收长效机制。 到2025年,全市农膜回收率稳定在92%左右。 协调推进农药包装废弃物回收利用。 到2023年12月,农药包装废弃物实现有效回收和无害化处理。 加强技术指导服务,指导规模畜禽养殖场完成粪便处理设施改造升级,推动畜禽粪便加工成有机肥并充分发酵利用。 到2025年,全市规模养殖场畜禽粪便处理设施设备配套率达到100%,畜禽粪便综合利用率达到90%以上。 (市农业农村局牵头)
11.推进建设项目绿色施工。 城镇新建民用建筑全面实施绿色建筑标准。 到2023年12月底,新增绿色建筑500万平方米。 到2025年,城镇新建民用建筑绿色建筑比例达到100%。 大力发展装配式建筑,不断提高构件标准化水平,推动形成完整产业链,实现工程建设全过程绿色施工。 到2025年,全市新开工装配式建筑占新建建筑的比重将达到40%以上。 深入实施既有居住建筑节能改造,提高既有公共建筑能源利用效率,可再生能源在建筑中应用,建筑节能减碳水平稳步提升。 建筑工地建筑垃圾排放量不得超过300吨/万平方米。 (市住房城乡建设局牵头)
12.推进建筑垃圾资源化利用。 按照“一县一厂”要求,加快建筑垃圾资源化利用工厂建设,将工程垃圾、拆迁垃圾(含道路沥青)、装修垃圾纳入特许经营范围,推动特许经营企业逐步实现处置、运输、拆解一体化作业。 出台建筑垃圾实施全过程管理的意见,建立再生产品目录,在政府投资项目中优先使用建筑垃圾再生产品,落实财政、税收、环保、土地等支持政策,推动建筑垃圾再生利用。建筑垃圾资源化利用。 鼓励建筑企业在整地、工程填筑等环节优先就地利用建筑垃圾(工程垃圾),减少建筑垃圾的产生和排放。 (市住房城乡建设管理局、市发展改革委、市工业信息化局、市财政局、市自然资源和规划局、市生态环境局、市交通运输局、市水务局、市市场监管局、市税务局)
13.深化生活垃圾分类。 加强城乡生活垃圾减量化、资源化和无害化处理。 到2022年12月底,东营区、东营经济技术开发区实现生活垃圾分类全覆盖,其他县区、市开发区实现生活垃圾分类全覆盖。 分类全面覆盖。 到2025年,本市基本形成生活垃圾分类处理体系。 (市住建局牵头)积极推广“互联网+回收”模式,布局建设城市再生资源回收“中转点、中转站、分拣中心”。 培育再生资源回收龙头企业,鼓励企业采用线上、线下等多种经营方式开展再生资源回收业务,实行规模化、标准化经营。 (市商务局牵头)加强可回收物回收体系建设。 到2025年,全市城市生活垃圾回收率达到35%以上。 提高餐厨垃圾回收利用和资源化水平,稳步有序推进东营市餐厨垃圾处理厂二期建设。 (市住房城乡建设局牵头)充分发挥事业单位特别是党政机关的引领示范作用,推进事业单位垃圾分类和塑料污染防治。 (市教育局、市卫生健康委、市政务局等按职责分工负责)
14.继续加强塑料污染治理。 积极推动从源头减少塑料生产和使用,加强塑料废弃物标准化回收利用。 2025年12月底前,所有宾馆、酒店、民宿不再主动提供一次性塑料制品。 我国中心城区和县、区、市级开发区建成区市场禁止使用不可降解塑料袋。 (市发展改革委、市生态环境局、市商务局、市文化和旅游局、市市场监管局等按职责分工负责)各级医疗卫生机构严格执行《医疗废物分类目录(2021年版)》,不合格的医疗废物必须单独收集,规范集中存放,如实记录台账,交符合要求的单位使用和处置。 严禁随意丢弃、倾倒。 (市卫生健康委牵头)推动邮寄寄递行业绿色进程,大力推广环保包装,使用可降解可回收包装材料和可降解材料及配件,降低二次包装率,推广使用电子运单、 2025年12月月底前,全市邮政快件网点禁止使用不可降解塑料包装袋、塑料胶带、一次性塑料编织袋等,电商快件基本不再需要二次加工包装。 (市邮政局牵头)
15.规范城镇生活污水处理厂污泥处置。 坚持在安全、环保、经济的前提下实现污泥处理、处置和综合利用,实现节能减排和发展循环经济的目标。 “十四五”期间,推进污泥集中处置设施或综合利用项目建设。 (市水务局牵头)
16.加强环境风险整治。 以工业企业为重点,深入开展危险废物产生企业风险降低整治,实施“三减一替代”,即实施清洁生产等源头削减措施,实施“边生产边清洁”,减少储存时间和储存量,加强资源利用,减少处置量,实行有毒有害原料清单管理,促进无毒无害(低毒低害)原料替代。 (Led by the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau) Establish a multi-department joint inspection mechanism to effectively improve the ability to identify illegal and criminal clues, trace the source and accurately crack down on illegal emissions, dumping, collection and storage through precise combination of off-site supervision and on-site law enforcement inspections. , transfer, transportation, utilization, disposal of hazardous waste and other environmental violations and crimes. (The Municipal Public Security Bureau, Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Transportation Bureau, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
17. Optimize and improve hazardous waste disposal capabilities. Implement a service product list management system, support comprehensive hazardous waste disposal units and comprehensive collection units in building and improving regional hazardous waste collection and transfer systems, and provide full-chain professional services. Improve the regional layout of comprehensive hazardous waste disposal capabilities, and complete the construction of the first phase of the solid waste disposal center in Chenzhuang Industrial Park of Dongying Jinyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. before the end of June 2023. By 2025, the proportion of resource utilization of industrial hazardous waste in the city will continue to increase, and the proportion of disposal will continue to decrease. (Led by the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau) Strengthen the safe disposal of medical waste during epidemic prevention and control. Before the end of December 2022, the incineration project of Dongying Weikang Medical Waste Centralized Treatment Co., Ltd. will be completed to make up for the shortcomings of medical waste disposal in our city. By 2025, the harmless disposal rate of medical waste in built-up areas of all counties, districts, and municipal development zones will reach 100%. (Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Health Commission, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
18. Collaboratively promote the treatment of new pollutants. Petrochemical enterprises above designated size in the city will take the lead in carrying out basic information surveys and detailed information surveys on chemical substances. The basic information survey on chemical substances will be completed by the end of December 2022, and the detailed information survey on chemical substances for environmental risk priority assessment will be completed by the end of June 2023. Incorporate new pollutant monitoring into enterprise self-monitoring, and achieve continuous reduction in emissions of toxic and harmful air pollutants and water pollutants. Promote the reduction of process hazardous waste production, reduce the storage volume and storage time of hazardous waste, and reduce environmental risks. (Led by the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau) Draw on advanced international experience and concepts to carry out management of persistent organic pollutants and toxic chemicals based on regional ecological benefits, explore green management and control from raw materials, processes to products in related industrial production, and establish hazardous waste safety data Shanhe Enterprise Green Development Evaluation System. Through the demonstration of comprehensive management of ecological benefit areas in Dongying High-tech Zone, we will promote the creation of clean production and ecological industrial parks. (Led by the Provincial Yellow River Delta Sustainable Development Research Institute)
(7) Focus on ecological protection of the Yellow River Delta.
19. Promote the construction of the Yellow River Estuary National Park. Explore new mechanisms and new models that integrate comprehensive protection, systematic restoration and scientific utilization, promote the in-depth integration of ecological protection and high-quality development, and promote the creation of the Yellow River Estuary National Park into a demonstration of the concept of “lucid waters and lush mountains are valuable assets” district. Implement ecological protection and restoration projects, strengthen the joint protection and management of rivers, oceans, and shoreline resources, and build a large-scale pattern of ecological protection and restoration of terrestrial, intertidal, and shallow-sea wetlands. Create a cultural tourism destination where the Yellow River flows into the sea, build a “waste-free scenic spot”, explore new ways of green development, safely and effectively manage all types of solid waste within the planning scope of the national park, continue to enhance the supply capacity of high-quality public cultural products and services, and influence the cultural tourism brand Strength and competitiveness have been significantly improved. (The nature reserve management committee is responsible)
20. Build a strong city with river and sea ecological civilization. Implement marine ecological restoration actions, and the natural coastline retention rate is greater than 40%. Vigorously develop ecological and healthy breeding, and encourage and promote the construction of deep-sea breeding and marine ranching. (Led by the Municipal Ocean Development and Fisheries Bureau) Build a modern energy system, accelerate the construction of major Bozhong offshore wind power projects, China Resources Finance 800MW photovoltaic power generation and other projects, and support the implementation of the “double carbon” strategy. (Led by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission) Accelerate the construction of Dongying Weilian Chemical’s 2 million tons/year paraxylene, 2.5 million tons/year refined terephthalic acid and supporting projects and other marine chemical projects, and promote the marine chemical industry to be green, concentrated, and high-end direction development. (Led by the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau) The proportion of the area of coastal waters with excellent water quality (Class I and II) has met the provincial targets. (Led by the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau)
21. Continue to promote the Yellow River cleanup operation. Continue to carry out investigation and rectification of historical problems involving waste dumping and landfill, dynamically update the supervision list, establish and improve the monthly dispatch system, adhere to risk assessment and risk management and control, and scientifically promote classified governance with “one point, one policy”. Explore ways to raise governance funds through ecological damage compensation, public interest litigation, etc., and implement dedicated funds, orderly investment, and gradual solutions. (Led by the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau) Guangrao County and Lijin County are exploring the establishment of a “classified disposal, hierarchical management and control” working mechanism for waste-related environmental damage issues. (The governments of Guangrao County and Lijin County are responsible)
(8) Focus on comprehensive management of marine ecology.
22. Carry out comprehensive improvement of the port environment. Improve the implementation of the joint billing system for the transfer and disposal of ship pollutants, and establish a departmental information sharing and joint logistics mechanism to ensure that hazardous wastes such as waste oil are collected in compliance with regulations, transferred in accordance with the law, and disposed of in a standardized manner. By the end of December 2025, the garbage collection and disposal rate in the commercial port will reach 100%. (Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Housing and Urban Construction Management Bureau, Municipal Transportation Bureau, Dongying Maritime Safety Bureau, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities) Focusing on fishing ports and marine aquaculture-intensive areas, accelerate the resource utilization of shells and other aquaculture production by-products, fishing nets, etc. Centralize the collection, storage and disposal of fishing gear and other waste, standardize the recycling and disposal of fishery waste, and promote the construction of pollution prevention and control facilities and equipment and environmental cleanup and rectification. By the end of December 2025, the garbage collection and disposal rate of fishing ports included in the list management will reach 100%. (The Municipal Ocean Development and Fisheries Bureau takes the lead, and the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau cooperates)
23. Strengthen comprehensive improvement of beach environment. Strengthen the monitoring of floating garbage on beaches and sea surfaces, organize and carry out special “beach cleaning” operations, and urge coastal counties and districts to improve long-term mechanisms for cleaning up marine garbage. (The Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau takes the lead, and the Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Water Affairs Bureau, Municipal Ocean Development and Fisheries Bureau, Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, Dongying Maritime Bureau, etc.) use protected areas, coastal tourist areas, coastal beaches, tidal walls, Focusing on areas such as rivers entering the sea and ports and terminals, we will comprehensively investigate and rectify the pollution sources of surrounding garbage entering the sea. We will maintain no obvious garbage in key areas on a regular basis and prohibit garbage from entering rivers and seas. Increase the placement of garbage collection facilities at beaches and other activity venues, and increase the frequency of garbage removal. (Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Housing and Urban Construction Management Bureau, Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau, Municipal Marine Development and Fisheries Bureau, Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, Nature Reserve Management Committee, Dongying Maritime Safety Bureau, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
24. Strengthen the prevention and control of pollution caused by ship dismantling. Before the ship dismantling operation, the residues and waste on the ship should be disposed of, the prevention and control of pollution from ship dismantling operations should be strengthened, and the rectification of highlighted environmental problems in ship dismantling operations should be strengthened. Units engaged in ship dismantling should clean up the ship dismantling site in a timely manner , and handle pollutants generated by ship dismantling in accordance with relevant national regulations. Regulate the dismantling of ships on the water and prohibit beach dismantling. (Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Marine Development and Fisheries Bureau, Dongying Maritime Safety Bureau, etc. are responsible according to the division of responsibilities)
(一)加强组织领导。 Dongying City’s “Waste-Free City” Construction Leading Group is responsible for the organization, leadership, overall planning and coordination of the city’s “Waste-Free City” construction, and promptly studies and solves various difficulties and problems in solid waste management. The leading group office should strengthen the organization, scheduling, supervision and evaluation of key tasks. All counties, municipal development zones, and the Yellow River Delta Agricultural High-tech Zone must establish corresponding work promotion mechanisms, clarify the division of responsibilities, consolidate the responsibilities of all parties, and ensure that all tasks are advanced in an orderly manner on schedule.
(2) Strengthen assessment and evaluation. The office of the city’s “Waste-Free City” Construction Leading Group should promptly establish a daily scheduling and annual evaluation mechanism, study the city’s “Waste-Free City” indicator system, establish a responsibility list, task list, and project list, formulate an annual assessment and evaluation implementation plan, and strengthen Scheduling supervision and effectiveness evaluation of the construction of “waste-free cities” for each responsible unit, county, and functional area.
(3) Strengthen financial security. Relevant departments and units at all levels should strengthen the coordination of policies and funds and increase support for the construction of “waste-free cities”. Counties, municipal development zones, and the Yellow River Delta Agricultural High-tech Zone must improve their policy systems, incorporate “waste-free city” construction funds into government budgets, establish and improve diversified investment channels, and actively attract social capital to participate in the construction of “waste-free cities”.
Attachment: 1. List of responsibilities for Dongying City’s “Waste-Free City” construction work
2. Dongying City’s “Waste-Free City” Construction Task List
3. List of key projects for the construction of “Zero Waste City” in Dongying City
Attachment: 1. List of responsibilities for Dongying City’s “Waste-Free City” construction work
Attachment: 2. Dongying City’s “Waste-Free City” Construction Task List
Attachment 3. List of key projects for the construction of “Zero Waste City” in Dongying City