

本文认为,“十四五”期间,我国危险废物环境污染防治的发展需求应继续以完善危险废物环境治理体系和现代化治理能力为重点,以改善环境质量为重点。以有效防范环境风险为核心,坚持危险废物减量化、资源化、无害化,加强危险废物全过程环境风险管控,有效降低环境风险和人体健康风险,实现危险废物安全处置。危险废物。 危险废物污染防治科技发展还应支持环境管理,按照问题导向、目标导向、结果导向的原则,开发先进适用技术,支撑政策精准实施,努力提高危险废物环境监管能力、利用处置能力和环境风险防范能力。



完善危险废物环境管理顶层设计。 加快制定和修订《国家危险废物名录》、《危险废物经营许可证管理办法》、《危险废物转移单管理办法》等法律法规以及《危险废物识别标准》等相关标准和典型危险废物污染控制标准。 工作; 制定危险废物鉴别单位管理办法,完善危险废物鉴别程序,规范危险废物鉴别机构。

完善环境影响评价制度。 加强环境影响评价事中、事后监管,研究制定不同行业、不同类别危险废物环境影响评价指南; 加强法律法规的兼容性、一致性和适用性,加强项目建设过程监管,严格按照环评技术文件要求,落实危险废物污染防治措施。

加快排污许可制度改革。 推动固体废物管理制度与排污许可制度有机衔接; 根据当前利用处置现状,制定固体废物排放许可证管理的具体内容和控制办法,设计制定重点行业固体废物管理要求和控制指标,加强对废物产生和排污单位的监管。 环境监管。

构建社会经济影响评价体系。 贯彻落实《中华人民共和国环境保护法》《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》等法律法规,开展危险废物社会经济影响评价和敏感性研究废物全生命周期管理政策、法规、标准和体系,明确清洁生产、循环经济、终端处置等法律法规的协同机制。


准确统计危险废物情况。 建立科学的统计调查方法,统一危险废物数据统计范围、口径和方法,选取重点行业代表性企业进行调查,明确典型行业危险废物的产生、利用和处置情况,分析产生量和废弃物系数重点行业分类,科学统计危险废物产生量。

推进危险废物专项整治行动,提升环境监管能力。 继续开展废铅酸蓄电池污染防治工作,落实生产者责任延伸制度,推动废铅酸蓄电池规范收集、利用和处置,提高废铅酸蓄电池规范收集处理率。酸性电池。 推动医疗废物综合整治,加快补齐医疗废物收集处理设施短板,健全重大疫情期间医疗废物应急处置体系保障体系。 开展垃圾焚烧飞灰综合整治行动,推动和完善飞灰填埋过程规范化管理,提高填埋过程飞灰产生和污染防治管理水平。

提高危险废物利用处置能力。 开展危险废物产生、利用、处置能力和设施运行情况综合评估,合理布局危险废物利用处置设施建设。 推动建立“省内能力配套、省际协调配合、专类全国统筹”的危险废物处置体系。 推动京津冀、长江经济带、珠三角地区危险废物集中处置区域合作,统筹危险废物集中处置设施跨省规划共享,强化危险废物处置如废酸、废盐、生活垃圾焚烧飞灰等。 废物利用处置能力建设,将促进全国危险废物利用处置能力与实际废物利用处置需求的总体平衡。


加大财税支持力度,促进产品市场化。 充分运用金融手段、税收、绿色采购等经济手段,进一步促进固废资源化利用处置产业健康良性发展; 开展固体废物综合利用评价,加大财税政策对废物再生利用产品推广应用的支持力度,将更多合格的固体废物综合利用产品纳入国家资源综合利用产品和价值——增加税收优惠目录; 符合质量标准的回收产品纳入政府绿色采购清单,提高社会认可度。

推动落实增值税、所得税、环境税等综合利用税收优惠政策,不断完善和提高相关废物处理处置收费政策和资源利用综合效益。 推动固体废物综合利用,构建高效、清洁、低碳、循环的绿色制造体系。

3.4 加强基础研究,开发先进技术

开展危险废物精细分类和精准风险管控理论研究。 研究多源危险废物的基质特征和污染物指纹,建立基于环境属性和利用处置特征的分类方法,形成精细化分类的基础理论。 开展危险废物回收污染物代谢运移机制和环境影响研究,构建危险废物风险精准识别理论和方法,支撑固体废物排放许可管理和环境影响评价制度。

开展经济成本、经济效益、健康效益等环境经济政策研究。 科学评估危险废物环境管理的社会经济影响,进一步优化政策标准,推动危险废物环境管理与社会经济高质量发展深度融合。

开展危险废物利用处置关键技术和应急技术研究。 研究开发废酸、废盐、废催化剂、生活垃圾焚烧飞灰、抗生素残渣等危险废物防治和利用技术。 研究开发环境风险高、社会关注度高的重点领域、重点行业危险废物无害化回收利用技术,构建与废物特性相适应的技术体系。 研究开发疫情、自然灾害、重大事故等重大突发事件产生的危险废物应急处理技术。

开展项目示范。 开展危险废物预处理、资源化利用、无害化处置和工业炉窑协同处置示范工程,重点推广危险废物协同处置、钢铁企业、非金属企业等工业炉窑危险废物高温熔融处理等新技术。 ——黑色金属冶炼企业、电厂等技术工程示范。


加强固废环境管理平台建设。 在固体废物管理信息系统全国联网的基础上,优化危险废物申报登记、转移处置、营业执照管理等信息功能; 加强固废管理平台信息化、智能化研究,建立可定位、可查询、可跟踪、可预警、可决策的危险废物全流程信息化监管体系。 推动与相关部门联合监管,实现全国固体废物管理“一张网”,确保监管实时、便捷、高效。

完善全国排污许可证管理信息平台。 推广大数据分析功能,系统收集统计各类废物产生、排污单位固体废物产生、贮存、利用、处置情况,跟踪固体废物流向; 推动全国污染物排放许可证管理信息平台与国家固体废物管理信息系统全面对接,实现数据互通和共享,真正实现排污许可证和固体废物管理“一证”信息化管理目标。

3.6 开展先进模式经验试点示范

探索开展危险废物“点对点”定向利用试点。 完善医疗废物、废铅酸蓄电池、废矿物油、废三元催化剂、实验室废物等社会源危险废物收集体系。 在营业执照制度许可、环境风险可控的前提下,省生态环境部门应当按照本文件规定收集废物。 根据地区实际情况,尝试开展危险废物经营许可证免办管理,开展危险废物定向资源化利用试点示范,推动危险废物梯级利用和“点对点”利用。

探索开展危险废物分级分类管理试点。 依托“无废城市”建设,研究建立试点城市危险废物污染特征分级模型、处置和管理模式。 按照定量评价、分级管理的原则,将废物特性(类别、产生量、危险特性、环境危害程度等)和对象(产品及废物企业、收集管理企业)划分为管理层级,如标准化管理、重点管理、严格管理。 定期总结管理经验,推动提高危险废物规范化、精细化管理水平。

探索开展危险废物“智慧监管”试点示范。 通过信息化、智能化技术,开展危险废物“一物一码”信息系统试点应用,研究建立二维码系统网上交易平台,完善线下回收网点,实现信息网上化。生产和废物单位的填充、提交和运输。 单位线下垃圾收运、GPS全程物流跟踪,利用处置单位线上线下同时确认收货的“快递”模式。 加强危险废物全过程监管,提高固废风险防控水平。



“十四五”时期是把我国建设富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化国家新征程上的第一个五年规划时期。 也是“两个一百年”奋斗目标的历史交汇时期,对我国国民经济和社会发展具有重要意义。 未来五年环境趋势总体研判在经济新常态和法治化大框架下,“十四五”时期我国环境保护也将迎来难得的历史机遇。 随着社会经济发展和城市化进程的加快,我国固废环境污染问题逐渐显现,已成为我国不可忽视、亟待解决的生态问题。 固体废物污染防治和环境风险防控也是加强生态文明建设、改善环境质量的关键。 我们要重视这个环节,坚持“绿色发展”,坚定不移走可持续发展道路,为建设美丽中国奠定基础。

文献来源:刘洪波,吴浩,田树雷,等。 “十四五”期间危险废物污染防治思路探讨[J]. 中国环境管理,2020, 12(4): 56-61。


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摘要:“十三五”期间,我国在改善环境质量、建设生态文明方面取得重大进展。 “十四五”时期,生态环境保护面临的形势和任务依然严峻艰巨。 迫切需要正确认识环境现状和未来前景。 针对重大环境问题,制定有针对性的方案。 本文总结了“十三五”期间我国危险废物污染防治工作取得的进展和取得的成果,分析了当前危险废物环境风险防控工作,其中包括规模较大且不断增加的危险废物环境风险防控工作。废弃物产生量大,环境风险高,利用处置短板突出。 综合利用风险防控力度不够等突出问题,从制度优化、科学管理和技术支撑等重点任务和重大工程等方面,“十四五”环境保护危险废物污染防治规划思路提出编制“十四五”危险废物污染防治规划思路。 废物污染防治规划提供参考。


2020年是“十三五”规划收官之年,是打赢污染防治攻坚战、全面建成小康社会的决胜之年。 生态环境质量改善对全面建成小康社会具有重要支撑作用,危险废物污染防治和环境风险防控是加强生态文明建设的关键环节。改善环境质量。 “十三五”期间,我国启动“无废城市”建设试点,开展“垃圾清运行动”,扎实推进净土保卫战,完善政策法规制定危险废物污染防治标准,大力推进利用处置设施建设,大力推进危险废物处置设施建设。 废弃物环境管理水平不断提高。 “十四五”时期是我国从全面建设小康社会转向基本实现社会主义现代化的关键时期。 实现与高质量发展相适应的高水平生态环境保护将成为“十四五”期间的工作主线。 因此,针对当前突出的危险废物环境风险,探索“十四五”期间危险废物污染防治思路,对于环境保护规划的制定具有重要意义。 本文内容来自:中国碳排放权交易网 ta np ai fan g.com


当前我国经济发展新常态下,产业转型升级和城镇化进程不断加快,危险废物产生量持续处于较高水平。 危险废物种类繁多、成分复杂,含有重金属、有机污染物等有毒有害物质。 未来,环境问题的复杂性和严重性将继续增加。 因此,危险废物污染防治是改善水、空气、土壤环境质量,维护人类健康的重要保障。 近年来,因危险废物利用处置不当、非法倾倒造成的重大环境污染事故时有发生。 党中央、国务院高度重视危险废物污染防治工作,要求精准治污、科学治污、依法治污。 2018年,中共中央、国务院印发的《关于全面加强生态环境保护坚决打好污染防治攻坚战的意见》,对危险废物污染防治工作作出重要部署。 《生态环境保护“十三五”规划》也将有效控制危险废物环境风险作为总体目标之一。 经过多年努力,危险废物标准化、精细化管理水平不断提升,危险废物污染防治工作取得积极进展。 。




2018年,国家相继启动《国家危险废物名录》、《危险废物经营许可证管理办法》、《危险废物转移发票管理办法》等相关法规政策修订进程,并进入公开征求意见阶段; 2019年,修订发布了《危险废物鉴别通用标准》《危险废物填埋场污染控制标准》等标准。




开展“无废城市”建设。 2018年底,国务院办公厅印发《“无废城市”建设试点工作方案》(国办发[2018]128号),提升“无废城市”建设水平上升到战略高度,推动危险废物源头和资源优化利用,减少填埋量,采取危险废物环境影响最小化的城市发展模式;2019年“11+5”试点城市和地区为建设“无废城市”进行了认定,为建设“无废城市”社会奠定了坚实的基础。

开展固体废物检查和整改。 2018年至2019年,生态环境部重点围绕长江经济带开展严厉打击固体废物环境违法行为专项整治行动,即“清废行动2018”和“清废行动2019”。 通过对非法倾倒固体废物的大规模查处,遏制了非法转移、倾倒固体废物案件的频发。 推动固体废物由随意堆放向分类标准化、科学处置转变,建立固体废物环境监管长效机制,保障长江生态环境安全,消除环境安全隐患。 两年来,共发现问题点2562个,整改问题点2467个,整改率达到96.3%。

开展危险废物专项管理。 2018年,生态环境部门、发展改革部门、工业和信息化部门、公安部门、司法部门、财政部门、交通运输部门、税务部门、市场监管部门联合开展废铅防治专项行动酸电池污染整治废铅 非法收集和处置电池污染环境。 2019年底至2020年,生态环境部和地方生态环境部门开展危险废物专项管理工作,以消除环境风险隐患为重点,对化工园区环境风险隐患和重点危险源进行排查整治。废物产生和经营单位。 2020年,国家卫生健康委、生态环境部、工业和信息化部、公安部、住房城乡建设部、商务部、国家市场监督管理总局条例印发《关于开展医疗机构废弃物专项整治的通知》,决定自2020年5月至12月,联合开展医疗机构废弃物专项整治工作,加强集中医疗机构废弃物环境监管和执法检查。医疗废物处置单位,依法查处环境违法行为。



推进信息化监管平台建设。 为加快全国联网固体废物管理信息系统建设,满足实际管理工作需要,2017年,生态环境部印发了《关于全面开展固体废物管理信息系统应用的通知》 》,要求各地应用该系统各子系统,实现(区、市)自建系统与国家系统的对接和数据上报。 目前,固体废物产生源子系统、危险废物转移指令子系统、危险废物经营许可子系统等已实现全国联网。 截至2018年底,已有超过11万家废物产生单位纳入国家固废管理信息系统,全国流转危险废物电子调拨单超过130万份。

加强危险废物标准化管理。 2019年,我国发布《关于提高危险废物环境监管能力、利用处置能力、环境风险防范能力的指导意见》,进一步完善危险废物环境监管体系。 目前,不少省(区、市)结合实际完善了管理制度,开展了危险废物点对点定向利用,包括污水一证排放、小型分散源集中收集存放点等。将日常监管纳入执法、第三方会计师等创新监管方式,包括企业审计、建立危险废物权责清单等。

提高利用和处置能力。 严格落实危险废物产生单位主体责任,加快提升危险废物利用处置能力。 2018年,全国有资质的危险废物经营单位近3100家,核准经营能力超过9000万吨/年。 危险废物利用处置产业已从分散走向规模化。 化,从低水平到标准化。

1.4 科技支撑能力不断提升

During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, our country has continued to increase its support for ecological and environmental protection science and technology, and has deployed and implemented a series of major tasks and scientific and technological projects. The prevention and control of hazardous waste pollution laid out in the “National Environmental Protection “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” for Science and Technology Development Key areas are advanced in an orderly manner.

Strengthen basic research to provide theoretical support for environmental management. Systematically conduct in-depth research on the generation characteristics, pollution characteristics, and disposal and utilization characteristics of key industrial hazardous wastes, and support the revision of standard documents such as the “National Hazardous Waste List” and “Technical Specifications for the Identification of Hazardous Wastes.” Focusing on key types of hazardous wastes such as electroplating sludge, coal chemical residues, inorganic chemical waste residues, waste catalysts, waste organic solvents and waste mineral oil, we reveal their generation, pollution and disposal characteristics, and build a typical hazardous waste environmental risk assessment model and method. In terms of solid waste resource risk control, using cement kiln co-processing as a typical resource technology, theoretical research on resource risk control of hazardous wastes such as cyanide tailings and chromium slag has been carried out, and national standards have been formed.

Promote advanced technology research and development. After long-term technical research, my country’s hazardous waste incineration, landfill, stabilization/solidification and other technologies have been basically mature and are at the internationally advanced level. At the same time, focusing on common disposal technologies, great progress has been made in research on special technologies for collaborative disposal of industrial furnaces such as cement kilns. Through the deployment of key R&D plans for solid waste recycling, a number of key technological breakthroughs and scientific and technological innovations have been achieved in aspects such as solidification and stabilization of heavy metals, degradation of organic waste, safe disposal of hazardous waste containing heavy metals, and cleaning and recycling of scrap metals. The level of technical equipment has also been improved. been greatly improved.

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Main problems in the prevention and control of hazardous waste pollution

During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, although my country has made important progress in the prevention and control of hazardous waste pollution, it still faces some major problems, and the pollution prevention and control situation remains grim.

2.1 The environmental governance system still needs to be improved

The supervision and management system is the basic guarantee for promoting the modernization of the hazardous waste environmental governance system and governance capabilities. Due to the late start of hazardous waste environmental management in my country, there are still many historical debts, and insufficient prevention and control of environmental risks and comprehensive utilization risks of hazardous wastes, resulting in a high incidence of environmental violations such as illegal transfer and dumping of hazardous wastes.

The top-level design of the management system is still incomplete. The connection between the “Cleaner Production Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China”, the “Circular Economy Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste” is insufficient. The hazardous waste management system and the pollution discharge permit system have not yet been fully connected. The role of enterprises in environmental impact assessment has not been fully brought into play. The connection between environmental assessment and supervision during the operation period of enterprises is not tight enough. The identification and determination of the sources of hazardous wastes in the environmental assessment documents of a considerable number of enterprises are inaccurate, and there is a lack of systematic assessment of the environmental risks of hazardous wastes generated by projects. , the problem of inadequate management measures is prominent, and there is a lack of corresponding error correction mechanisms. As a result, hazardous waste supervision lacks an effective “design and law enforcement basis” and cannot provide technical support for the daily supervision of law enforcement personnel in grassroots ecological environment departments. The joint prevention and control mechanism for hazardous waste supervision has generally not yet been formed, the pollution prevention and control responsibilities between various departments are not clear enough, and the inter-departmental information sharing, regulatory collaboration, and joint law enforcement mechanisms still need to be established.

2.2 The characteristics of the pollution mechanism are unknown and the utilization and disposal capabilities are unbalanced.

Our country has not systematically carried out basic research on the characteristic pollutants, content, and occurrence forms of hazardous wastes, which limits our understanding of the environmental risks of hazardous wastes and lacks scientific and effective guidance on their treatment and disposal. my country’s standards for the treatment and disposal of hazardous wastes only include landfill and incineration. In contrast, in the United States, in its “Resource Conservation and Regeneration Act”, “Land Disposal Restrictions” and other management regulations, each hazardous waste is classified based on its pollution characteristics and disposal characteristics. Propose corresponding disposal methods and disposal standards for hazardous wastes. Existing survey and statistical methods cannot accurately grasp the disposal destination of hazardous waste. In addition to landfill and incineration, they often only fill in the general terms “self-disposal” or “comprehensive utilization”, making it difficult to judge and judge the rationality of their treatment and disposal methods. 监督。

In addition, although the utilization and disposal capacity of hazardous wastes continues to improve, the utilization and disposal capacity is uneven among regions. Among them, low-value, worthless, difficult-to-treat hazardous wastes such as waste salt, waste incineration fly ash, arsenic slag, etc. have insufficient processing capacity and are piled up in large quantities. , but the overall utilization and processing capacity has a tendency of overcapacity. The phenomenon of “not having enough to eat” and “not being able to finish” coexist, and the shortcomings of utilization and processing are highlighted.

2.3 The research foundation is weak and scientific and technological support capabilities still need to be improved.

Basic research is insufficient. At present, my country has not yet established a basic theoretical system for accurate hazardous waste risk management and control. It lacks theories and methods for accurate identification of hazardous waste environmental risks. The existing classification system does not take into account resource and environmental attributes, and it is difficult to guide hazardous waste recycling disposal and risk prevention and control. In addition, there is insufficient research on the risk traceability and coordinated regulation mechanisms of regional circulation of hazardous wastes. The regional-scale hazardous waste circulation and pollutant metabolic transformation mechanisms are unclear. The basic theory and regulatory technology system for coordinated reduction of regional circulation and pollutants have not yet been established. It is difficult to support the harmlessness of hazardous wastes. The chemical cycle is deeply integrated with high-quality social and economic development.

The economic impact is understudied. In the process of supporting the preparation of national environmental protection plans, standards and policies, there is insufficient research on socio-economic impact assessment, and there is a lack of analysis to provide decision-makers with the economic costs, economic benefits and health benefits of implementing these plans, policies and standards.

There is a lack of advanced applicable technologies and emergency technologies for hazardous waste utilization and disposal. Our country has long been dominated by generic disposal technologies, and there are obvious deficiencies in the research and development of technologies such as valuable substance recovery, energy conversion and utilization, and multi-source waste co-processing, and there is a lack of advanced and applicable technologies that match the characteristics of the waste. The emergency disposal technology for hazardous waste generated by major emergencies such as epidemics, natural disasters, and major accidents has not yet been established, making it difficult to effectively guide technology development and industrial development.

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