
石家庄、唐山、秦皇岛、邯郸、邢台、保定、张家口、承德、沧州、廊坊、衡水、太原、阳泉、长治、晋城、大同、朔州、晋中、运城、忻州、临汾、吕梁、济南、淄博、枣庄、东营、潍坊、济宁、泰安、日照、临沂、德州、聊城、滨州、菏泽、郑州、开封、洛阳、平顶山、安阳、鹤壁、新乡、焦作、濮阳、许昌、漯河、三门峡、南阳、商丘市,信阳市、周口市、驻马店市、西安市、铜川市、宝鸡市、咸阳市、渭南市人民政府; 雄安新区、杨凌示范区管委会; 定州市、辛集市、济源市、韩城市人民政府; 中国石油天然气集团公司、中国石化集团公司、中国海洋石油总公司、国家电网公司、中国国家铁路集团公司:

现将《2021-2022年秋冬季大气污染综合治理方案》印发给你们。 请遵照执行。


















2021 年 10 月 28 日



《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划纲要和2035年远景目标纲要》提出,加大污染防治攻坚战力度,加强多种污染物协同控制和区域协调治理,基本消除重污染天气。 近年来,通过实施秋冬季大气污染综合治理行动,重点地区空气质量持续改善。 2020年秋冬季,京津冀及周边地区和汾渭平原细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度比2016年同期分别下降37.5%和35.1%,重度污染天数分别下降70%和65%,人民群众蓝天的获得感、幸福感明显增强。 虽然秋冬季取得了积极成效,但空气质量改善成果尚未稳定。 京津冀及周边地区、汾渭平原等地区秋冬重污染天气依然高发频繁,不仅影响群众身体健康,也直接影响群众身体健康。 “十四五”空气质量改善目标任务已经完成。 2021年是“十四五”规划的开局之年。 上半年,“两高”行业产品产量和煤炭消费明显回升,大气环境质量持续改善压力加大。 要充分认识2021-2022年秋冬季大气污染综合治理工作的重要性和紧迫性,准确扎实推进各项任务措施,持续开展秋冬季行动,聚焦攻坚战。消除重污染天气“十四五”蓝天保卫战深入打响并取得良好开局。


基本思路:以习近平生态文明思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神,落实生态文明建设总体要求污染减排、碳减排以减少重污染天气、降低PM2.5浓度为主要目标,强调精准治污、科学治污、依法治污。 要坚持方向一致、力度不减,抓住工业、能源、交通结构调整三个关键环节,坚决遏制“两高”。 “项目盲目发展,有序推进北方地区清洁取暖,加快实施大宗货物“公转铁”运输,深入开展钢铁行业、柴油货车、锅炉等专项治理。深化企业绩效分级分类管控,加强区域联防联控,积极应对重污染天气。加大监督帮扶,强化考核问责,切实压实工作责任。

实施范围:考虑到各地秋冬季大气环境条件和区域传输效应,2021-2022年秋冬季攻坚战范围以北京市“2+26”城市和汾渭平原城市为主-津冀及周边地区,新增河北北部、山西北部、山东东部和南部、河南南部部分城市。 具体为:北京市; 天津市; 河北省石家庄、唐山、秦皇岛、邯郸、邢台、保定、张家口、承德、沧州、廊坊、衡水市、雄安新区、定州、辛集市; 山西省太原、阳泉、长治、晋城、大同、朔州、晋中、运城、忻州、临汾、吕梁市; 山东省济南、淄博、枣庄、东营、潍坊、济宁、泰安、日照、临沂、德州、聊城、滨州、菏泽市; 河南省郑州、开封、洛阳、平顶山、安阳、鹤壁、新乡、焦作、濮阳、许昌、漯河、三门峡、南阳、商丘、信阳、周口、驻马店、济源市; 陕西省西安市、铜川市、宝鸡市、咸阳市、渭南市(含韩城市)及杨凌示范区。





各地要深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于坚决遏制盲目发展“两高”项目的决策部署,按照《关于加强《高耗能高排放建设项目生态环境源防治》等文件对拟建、在建和现有“两高”项目进行排查,实行“两高”项目清单管理,开展分类处置、动态监测。 严格落实能源消费双控、产能置换、污染物面积削减、煤炭减量替代等要求,对不符合要求的“两高”项目要坚决整改。 认真开展自查自纠,严肃查处违法开工项目和未经批准的项目,依法严厉查处违法企业。 对标国内外产品先进能效、环保水平,推动在建和规划的“两高”项目能效、环保水平提升,推动现有“两高”项目转型升级。 严厉打击“两高”企业无证排污、无证排污等各类违法行为,及时曝光违反排污许可制度的典型案件。


贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于钢铁行业化解过剩产能和粗钢减产的决策部署,做好钢铁行业化解过剩产能“回头看”,严防重蹈覆辙。 “带钢”死灰复燃。 严禁新增钢铁冶炼产能,严格环境准入。 除搬迁、产能置换外,不得批准新的产能项目。 新钢铁项目投产前,用于替代的产能必须同步退出。 严格落实2021年粗钢产量削减相关要求,各省份要分解削减量到企业,按照“可操作、可验证、可统计”的原则制定工作计划,按计划安排完成情况月度基础上,强化工作计划。 活动期间和活动结束后的监督。

要按照工信部、生态环境部要求,切实做好钢铁行业采暖季错峰生产工作,指导相关城市制定钢铁行业错峰生产工作。错峰生产计划,统筹谋划、周密部署,落实钢铁减产、错峰生产措施。 一项一项检查,督促落实。 结合企业能源消耗、环保绩效、安全生产、技术装备等因素,采取市场化、法治化的方式,实施差异化管控,避免“一刀切”。 环境绩效等级为A级的企业和已完成超低排放改造的全废钢短流程炼钢企业自主采取减排措施,但必须保证秋、冬季粗钢产量同比不增加。冬季时期; 其他企业根据不同的环境绩效等级和目标执行任务差异化的错峰生产比例,环境绩效等级越低,错峰生产比例越高; 2021年以来中央生态环保督察和钢铁去产能“回头看”检查发现存在违法行为且产能利用率超过120%、未列入部委钢铁行业规范公告的企业工业和信息化部将加大错峰生产比重。 各城市错峰生产实施方案必须以具体高炉设备停运为依据,不得以降低生产负荷来替代。 针对具体企业、生产线、生产设施、时间段执行。 实行焦炉、烧结、球团、石灰配套高炉。 窑炉等生产设备的错峰生产比例不得低于高炉的错峰生产比例。

钢铁企业要把超低排放贯穿于全流程、全流程、全生命周期,高质量推进超低排放转型。 根据工厂情况选择成熟适用的技术路线,努力确保企业领导真正重视、投入真金白银、实施真项目、真正提升管理水平。 各地要增强服务意识,协调解决企业转型过程中的困难和问题,指导已完成超低排放改造的企业及时开展评估和监测。 对于不符合超低排放要求的企业,各地要根据环保绩效分级采取不同的紧急减排措施。 同时,要不断完善绿色电价政策,落实差别化环保管理措施。


全面完成国家发展改革委等十部委《北方地区冬季清洁取暖规划(2017-2021年)》任务目标。 优先保障群众安全温暖过冬,集中力量推进区县乡清洁取暖。 按照适电就电、适气就气、适煤就煤的原则,因地制宜科学规划清洁供暖技术路线,确保居民用得起、效果可持续。 “气代煤”的居民必须坚持“气决定变”。 。 各市要对已确认的散煤治理改造村户和高污染燃料禁燃区域划定进行全面排查,建立未完成散煤治理的名单。煤炭(具体在县、乡、村、户实施)。 纳入中央财政支持北方地区清洁取暖试点3年以上的城市基本淘汰了平原地区散煤(户改造比例达到98%以上)。 有条件的地区要加大山区散煤治理力度。 坚持“先建后毁”的原则,2021年新装修不具备安全稳定通风条件、未通过一年实际运行检验的,严禁拆除原有供热设施。 各地要加强“煤改气”、“煤改电”设施和洁净煤使用安全隐患排查,开展整改和风险防范,确保群众安全取暖。 河北、山西、山东、河南、陕西等地要加强种植业、养殖业、农副产品加工业等行业清洁能源替代农业大宗煤炭工作。 据各地通报,2021年采暖季前,各地累计有348万户家庭完成大宗煤炭替代。 其中,北京、河北、山西、山东、河南、陕西分别完成2万户、78万户、81万户、148万户、4万户、35万户。

全力保障燃气、电力供应。 地方政府要认真履行保障民生供气主体责任,组织城市燃气企业落实合同,切实加强民生供气,上游供气企业要严格按合同足额供应。 。 供暖期间,优先使用新增天然气满足居民供暖需求。 各地要进一步完善调峰用户名单,夯实“打压非政府用户、保护人民群众”应急预案; 支持“煤改电”配套电网工程和天然气管网、燃气管网建设,统筹协调项目建设用地和审批手续。 等待。 加大动力煤供应保障力度,保障火电机组发电能力,加强“煤改电”用户供电保障,做好配套电网运行维护工作设施,确保“煤改电”用户温暖过冬。 油气、管网、电网、发电、铁路等国有企业要切实承担社会责任,加大产能建设和基础设施投入,保障燃气、电源稳定供应。 鼓励各地积极采用生物质能、太阳能、地热能等可再生能源供热方式,大力支持新能源储存、储热、热泵、综合智慧能源系统等技术应用,探索和推广综合能源服务,提高能源利用效率。

严防散煤复燃。 根据该法,对已完成清洁供暖改造且运行稳定的地区,将划定为高污染燃料禁燃地区,并制定实施相关配套政策措施。 加强监督检查,严厉打击非法销售散煤行为,防止已完成清洁供暖改造的用户再次烧用散煤。 对尚未实施清洁取暖的地区,必须使用符合国家或地方标准的煤炭产品,严厉打击销售劣质煤炭,对散装煤炭经销点进行监督检查。


加大燃煤锅炉(含茶叶锅炉、商用炉灶、粮食仓储烘干设备等燃煤设施)、炉窑的淘汰整顿力度。 在保证电力、热力、天然气供应的前提下,加快热电联产机组供热半径30公里范围内燃煤锅炉和落后燃煤小火电机组的关停和整合。 到2021年12月底,每小时35蒸吨以下燃煤锅炉基本淘汰,剩余燃煤锅炉必须一一建立库存台账。 工业锅炉“煤改气”必须坚持“以气定改造、以供应定需”的原则,在落实供气合同的条件下有序推进。 全面淘汰炉径3米以下的燃油气化炉和不符合环保要求的间歇式固定床气化炉,取缔燃煤热风炉; 替代燃煤加热炉、热处理炉、干燥炉等工业余热或电能,鼓励铸造行业冲天炉(10吨/小时及以下)改用电炉,加快冲天炉改造在岩棉等行业改成电炉。

实施锅炉、炉窑大气污染治理设施升级改造。 各地要重点针对使用低效治理设施的燃煤锅炉、生物质锅炉、燃气锅炉和工业炉窑,开展锅炉、炉窑大气污染控制状况检查和抽查,对不能稳定达标排放的,督促整改标准。 实施污染控制设施增效和升级。 对脱硫除尘一体化、脱硫脱硝一体化等低效处理工艺进行升级改造,确保稳定达标排放。 采用氧化镁、氨法、单碱法、双碱法等脱硫工艺的,必须在秋冬季前完成检修,防止脱硫系统堵塞,保证脱硫设施稳定运行。 推进燃气锅炉低氮燃烧改造,严格控制低氮燃烧器、烟气再循环系统、分级燃烧系统、燃油和风量调配系统等关键部件质量,确保锅炉稳定运行。低氮燃烧系统; 推动取消燃气锅炉如需保留烟气再循环系统开关阀,可通过设置电动阀、气动阀或铅封等方式加强监管。 生物质锅炉应采用专用锅炉,配备旋风除尘器+布袋等高效除尘设施。 禁止混装煤炭、垃圾、工业固体废物等物质。 氮氧化物浓度超过排放标准限值的,应当配备脱硝设施; 推动重点地区城市建成区生物质锅炉超低排放改造; 如果采用SCR脱硝技术,秋冬季前必须检查催化剂的使用情况,以保证脱硝系统良好稳定运行。 燃气锅炉应采用精脱硫燃气作为燃料或配备高效脱硫设施。 氮氧化物浓度超过排放标准限值的,应配备脱硝设施。


严格落实《关于加快解决当前挥发性有机物管理突出问题的通知》相关要求,高质量完成排查治理工作。 2021年10月底前,以石化、化工、工业涂装、包装印刷、石油储运销售为重点,结合当地特色产业,组织企业重点开展挥发性有机液体储罐、装卸、修复、废气收集、废气旁路、处理设施、加油站、异常工况、产品VOCs含量等10个关键环节完成了液位开启、泄漏检测和A轮检查工作。 在企业自查的基础上,各地生态环境部门开展了一轮检查和抽查,覆盖了所有取得排污许可证的重点管理企业。 2021年12月底前,各地将在检查抽查和夏季臭氧污染防治督导帮扶工作中发现突出问题,指导企业制定整改方案,按照治理要求加快整改,提高针对性。切实做好VOCs治理工作,做到“冬治夏病”。 加强对涂料、油墨、胶粘剂、清洗剂等产品国家和地方VOCs含量限量标准执行情况的监督检查。 培育树立一批VOCs治理标杆企业,加大宣传力度,形成带动效应。


全面完成京津冀及周边地区和汾渭平原淘汰国Ⅲ及以下排放标准中重型柴油卡车的目标。 淘汰的车辆必须按照法律法规的规定进行回收、拆解。 加大检查力度,严禁陈旧车辆在城市周边、农村等地区非法运营或进入工矿企业内部使用。 各城市要组织对国六排放标准重型燃气汽车专项检查,通过道路检查、入户检查等方式,对环境信息公开、污染控制装置和排放情况进行核查,重点核查三元催化器和后氧传感器是否异常,我们将严厉查处生产、销售假冒伪劣三元催化器以及回收、私自拆解三元催化器的行为。 对于发现异常的车辆,除按规定进行处罚外,还必须接受排放检验机构的年检。

以港口、矿山和大型工业企业为重点,鼓励引进和推广国家一级及以下排放标准(或使用15年以上)非道路移动机械(包括按非道路排放标准生产的非道路车辆) )、国三及以下排放标准现场作业车辆淘汰更新政策。 积极推广港口、物流园区、工矿企业作业车辆和机械使用新能源。 机场新增和更新的车辆或设备主要采用新能源。 我们率先在钢铁等行业开展氢燃料电池汽车示范。 按要求完成非道路移动机械代码登记,开展执法检查,严格查处超标作业机械、车辆和现场冒黑烟等问题,实现重点场所全覆盖。

各市要建立打击非标油品部门协调机制,参照成品油监管机制管理内燃机燃料,坚决打击非标油品,加强对石油进口各环节监管全面清理整顿无证自建油罐、流动加油车(船)和非法加油站; 加大对车船油箱实际使用柴油的抽查力度,对发现的不合格油品问题线索进行追溯,严肃追究相关生产、销售、运输单位的主要责任; 严格查处乙醇汽油封闭推广区域销售非乙醇汽油的行为。


各地要加快铁路专用线和多式联运、装卸接驳设施建设,提高现有专线运输能力,推动火车站适应货运改造。 提高连接沿海主要港口、年散货量150万吨以上工矿企业、物流园区等企业的铁路专线比例,发展“铁路+新能源互联互通”运输模式封闭带走廊”。 稳步提高沿海主要港口和唐山港、黄骅港、铁路、水路、封闭带走廊、新能源汽车等矿石、焦炭等大宗货物运输比重。 推广港口船舶靠岸使用岸电。 重点围绕港口、钢铁、石化、化工、煤炭、焦炭、有色金属、建材(含砂石骨料)等行业和工业园区,开展大宗货物运输摸底排查,核实清洁情况。铁路、水路、管道等方面的运输情况一一介绍。 重点行业大宗货物运输结构调整“一企一策”方案将于2021年12月底前完成。加快唐曹、前曹铁路货运量增量。 直辖市和省会城市推广“内集外配送”的城市物流公铁联运模式。 研究制定支持铁路、水路货物运输的碳排放政策,将符合条件的“路转铁”、“路转水”碳排放纳入地方政府考核考核体系,加大“路转水”力度。大宗货物“铁转铁”、“路转水”运输。


坚持清堵结合,因地制宜大力推进秸秆综合利用。 强化各级地方政府主体责任,充分发挥村组基层组织作用,完善网格化监管体系,实现全覆盖、无死角。 推动“民防”与“技防”结合,综合运用卫星遥感、高清视频监控、无人机等手段,提高秸秆焚烧火点监测精度。 2021年10月起,开展秋收阶段秸秆禁烧专项检查,重点关注下班、上半夜、下雨前四个秸秆易焚烧时段、播种前,加强田间巡视检查。 严格落实地方禁烧监管目标责任考核和奖惩制度,对秸秆焚烧问题突出、大气污染严重的,严肃追究责任。 有关部门指导东北地区禁止秸秆焚烧,减少输送过程对该地区的环境影响。


加强扬尘治理,鼓励各地细化扬尘治理要求,按月实施区县扬尘监测排名。 加强建筑扬尘精细化管控,严格落实城市建筑工地“百分之六”政策。 Strengthen road dust control, promote vacuum-type mechanized wet cleaning operations, and increase washing and cleaning efforts on important road sections such as outer ring roads, urban entrances and exits, and urban-rural junctions. Investigate and file urban public areas, long-term undeveloped bare land for construction, abandoned factories, logistics parks, large parking lots, etc., and take measures such as greening and hardening to control dust in a timely manner. Strengthen the inspection and rectification of dust screens along the railway, promptly replace those that do not meet the requirements, and promptly recycle those that are discarded. Before the end of 2021, large dry bulk cargo terminals for coal, ore, etc. along coastal and inland rivers, as well as major transportation trunk lines and railway material storage yards, will fully complete the construction of dust suppression facilities and the closed transformation of material transportation systems.

(10) Effectively respond to heavy pollution weather

Continue to optimize performance-graded emergency emission reduction work. All localities should strictly follow the relevant requirements of the “Performance Grading and Emission Reduction Measures for Key Industries in Heavy Pollution Weather” and its supplementary explanations, continue to promote the performance grading of key industries, and formulate their own performance grading standards for local characteristic industries based on actual pollution emission levels. Implement differentiated emission reduction measures. On this basis, we will further improve the emergency emission reduction list, sort out the list of security enterprises that protect people’s livelihood, ensure the normal operation of the city, or involve national strategic industries, and refine the control measures for non-security enterprises except small and micro gas-related enterprises. Ensure that the emission reduction list covers all gas-related enterprises, the list of guaranteed enterprises is true and effective, and the control measures for non-guaranteed enterprises can be implemented and verified. Implement the requirements of the “Notice on Further Improving Normalized Peak Off-peak Production of Cement” and do a good job in peak off-peak production in the cement industry.

All localities must further standardize emergency emission reduction measures. For enterprises that are issued separate pollution discharge licenses, they must formulate emergency emission reduction measures as independent enterprises. The production processes of multiple independent pollution discharge license enterprises shall not be merged to jointly develop emergency emission reduction measures. Emergency emission reduction measures should be calculated based on production lines, and methods that do not meet emergency emission reduction requirements such as reducing production load and shortening production hours should be avoided. In the process of performance grading, all localities should strengthen the management of central control data records, and key data in key industries should be included in central control data records.

Strengthen air quality forecasting and forecasting capabilities. All localities should continue to improve the accuracy of air quality forecasts, promptly initiate heavy pollution weather warnings in accordance with the law, and take emergency emission reduction measures. At the same time, we will intensify supervision and law enforcement and urge the implementation of emission reduction measures. At the same time, when it is predicted that a large-scale heavy pollution weather will occur in the region, each province (municipality) will promptly issue corresponding level warnings and organize relevant cities to carry out regional emergency linkage.

3. Safeguard measures

(11) Strengthen organizational leadership

All localities must effectively strengthen organizational leadership and take the comprehensive air pollution control campaign in autumn and winter as a key measure to defend the blue sky and eliminate heavily polluted weather during the “14th Five-Year Plan”. They must learn from the successful experience of previous autumn and winter campaigns to avoid the occurrence of Issues such as failure to act responsibly and relaxing regulatory requirements; at the same time, we must resolutely prevent “one size fits all” during the implementation process, and must not adopt simple and crude measures such as “shut down all together” or “stop first and then talk about it”. Each city should refine the tasks of the comprehensive autumn and winter air pollution control action plan step by step and decompose them into various districts, counties and departments, clarify the timetable and responsible persons, and incorporate the main tasks into the important content of local supervision and supervision, and establish key tasks to complete Periodic scheduling mechanism. Before the end of October 2021, all provinces (municipalities) must report the list of villages and households confirmed for loose coal control, the list of boilers, the delineation of high-pollution fuel no-burning zones, etc. to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and submit the report to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment before April 15, 2022 for the autumn and winter tasks. 总结。

(12) Increase policy support

Increase price policy support. All provinces (cities) must conscientiously implement the “Opinions on Clean Heating Price Policies in the Northern Region” to ensure the basic stability of gas prices for people’s livelihood, strengthen price supervision in the transmission and distribution links, reduce gas supply levels, and effectively reduce costs in each link. Improve the peak and valley time-of-use price system, optimize the division of peak and valley time-of-use periods for heating electricity sales, and further expand the proportion of electricity price reductions in the valley section during the heating period. Encourage all localities to implement green electricity pricing policies based on actual conditions for restricted and eliminated enterprises and industrial enterprises that meet ultra-low emission requirements.

Increase fiscal policy support. All localities must take practical measures to optimize the investment structure, control expenditure costs, raise funds from multiple channels to support air pollution prevention and control, and make good use of special atmospheric funds according to local air pollution prevention and control priorities. Strictly implement clean heating subsidies, study and improve relevant policies in response to the expiration of subsidy policies, and the central government will provide appropriate operational support within a certain period of time based on the actual situation of each locality. Clean heating subsidies should be tailored to local conditions, differentiate between different regions and different groups of people, and implement differentiated and precise policies, with a focus on low-income rural groups, and not a “one size fits all” approach to ensure that the masses have a warm winter.

Increase credit financing support. Support qualified enterprises to conduct direct financing through the bond market and raise funds for air pollution control, etc. Comprehensively open the market for investment, construction, operation and maintenance of special railway lines, encourage financial institutions to increase their support for financial services for railways and multimodal transport enterprises, and actively guide social capital to participate in the investment and construction of special railway lines in various forms.

(13) Improve the monitoring and control system

To strengthen environmental quality monitoring capacity building, all localities must strengthen the monitoring of particulate matter components and VOCs in autumn and winter in accordance with the requirements of the “14th Five-Year Plan National Capacity Building Plan for Coordinated Control and Monitoring of Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone”, and the monitoring results of particulate matter components must be reported in a timely manner China Environmental Monitoring Station and shared within the region.

Strengthen the monitoring and control of pollution sources, include key enterprises involved in VOCs and nitrogen oxides into the list of key pollutant discharge units in accordance with the law, with a coverage rate of no less than 65% of VOCs and nitrogen oxide emissions from industrial sources, and complete automatic monitoring of the main atmospheric emission outlets of key pollutant discharge units Equipment installation and networking with the ecological environment department; inspection of the operation of installed automatic monitoring equipment, failure to ensure normal operation of automatic monitoring equipment, falsification of monitoring data and other illegal issues must be promptly and seriously investigated. Key enterprises are encouraged to install key working condition monitoring, electricity (energy) monitoring, video monitoring, etc. of major production and management facilities. Accelerate the improvement of mobile source monitoring and supervision capabilities, and establish a mobile source monitoring system focusing on motor vehicle emissions and covering non-road mobile machinery, ships, etc. By the end of December 2021, all regions will carry out non-road mobile machinery emissions in designated emission control areas detection, complete the planning of traffic air quality monitoring sites, and promote traffic air quality and flow monitoring.

Urge enterprises to carry out self-monitoring in accordance with the law and improve the quality of self-monitoring data in accordance with the provisions of pollution discharge licenses and relevant standards and regulations; conduct joint departmental spot checks on third-party testing agencies, and disclose a batch of monitoring data of poor quality or even tampering or forgery before the end of March 2022 List of agencies and people monitoring the data.

(14) Increase supervision and assistance

All localities must focus on the main tasks of combating air pollution in autumn and winter, and carry out environmental supervision and law enforcement accurately and efficiently. Enterprises with stable emissions that meet standards, standardized operation and management, and high levels of environmental performance can be included in the positive list of supervision and law enforcement in accordance with relevant regulations; To solve the problem, we must urge relevant enterprises to effectively fulfill their ecological and environmental protection responsibilities, strictly implement rectification requirements, ensure that rectifications are in place, and strengthen supervision by drawing inferences from one case to another. Those who violate the law and have serious consequences, and who commit repeated violations must be severely investigated and punished in accordance with the law, and typical cases shall be publicly exposed. Changes and re-applications for pollutant discharge licenses shall be carried out in accordance with the law. For enterprises included in the management of pollutant discharge licenses, on-site and off-site methods shall be adopted to carry out post-pollution discharge license law enforcement inspections, and enterprises shall be urged and guided to discharge pollutants with licenses and in accordance with licenses. Strengthen joint law enforcement, implement multi-department joint law enforcement in the fields of oil quality, coal quality, VOCs-related product quality, diesel vehicle exhaust emission spot checks, dust control and other fields, establish an information sharing mechanism, and form a joint law enforcement force. Strengthen law enforcement supervision during emergency response to heavy pollution weather, and urge enterprises to implement their responsibilities for emergency emission reduction of heavy pollution.

Strengthen supervision and enforcement of problems that are prone to occur frequently. Conduct investigations on the installation and operation of corporate air pollution control facilities, waste gas bypass management, sewage outlet settings, operation records, etc., and strengthen law enforcement monitoring linkage. Focus on investigating and punishing illegal direct discharge through bypasses, abandoned flues, etc., failure to install pollution control facilities, abnormal operation of pollution control facilities, excessive emissions, irregular sewage outlets, and falsification of accounting records.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment coordinates the forces of the national ecological environment system and continues to carry out supervision and assistance in key areas in autumn and winter. According to the ambient air quality situation at different periods of time, the scope of supervision and assistance cities is dynamically determined, and different supervision and assistance tasks are arranged according to the differentiated characteristics of different cities. Focus on special support work such as supervision and inspection of emergency response to heavy pollution weather, clean heating guarantee, and comprehensive management of boilers and furnaces. We will implement “pull up accounts” tracking management for the problems discovered in the supervision and assistance since 2021, and urge all localities to establish problem ledgers, formulate rectification plans, and implement rectifications. Carry out a “look back” on the implementation of rectifications of supervision and assistance issues, strengthen on-site verification, and supervise the implementation of rectifications.

(15) Strengthen assessment and inspection

The Office of the Leading Group for Air Pollution Prevention and Control in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding areas regularly monitors the progress of key tasks in various regions. During the autumn and winter, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment reports monthly on the improvement of air quality in various places; for cities where the quarterly air quality improvement fails to meet the target tasks or where progress in key tasks is slow or where the air quality index (AQI) continues to “explode”, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will issue a notice. Early warning notices; for cities that have failed to complete final air quality improvement targets or are making slow progress on key tasks, publicly interview key government officials. If it is discovered that the monitoring data has been tampered with or falsified, the assessment results will be directly deemed as unqualified and the responsibilities will be investigated in accordance with laws and disciplines.

In conjunction with the second round of central ecological and environmental protection inspection work arrangements, those who have failed to implement the key tasks of comprehensive air pollution control in autumn and winter and have outstanding environmental problems will be included in the central ecological and environmental protection inspection scope. Carry out special inspections as appropriate in areas with serious problems.

Attachment: 1. Air quality improvement goals for each city in the autumn and winter of 2021-2022

2. Task list of comprehensive air pollution control plans and measures for each city in the autumn and winter of 2021-2022

Copied to: General Office of the State Council, Ministry of Natural Resources, People’s Bank of China, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Meteorological Administration, Railway Bureau, Civil Aviation Administration, Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government, Anhui Provincial People’s Government, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi Province (City) Ecological Environment Department (Bureau).

Issued by the General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on October 29, 2021