
党中央、国务院高度重视安全生产工作。 近年来,出台了《关于推进安全生产领域改革发展的意见》,颁布实施了《刑法修正案(十一)》和新修订的《安全生产法》。 在严格落实责任、强化问责处罚等方面,对安全生产隐患排查治理提出了一系列新要求。

近年来,电力行业落实“三管三必”要求,初步建立了“齐抓共管”机制。 地方电力管理部门在电力安全生产监督管理中的作用日益重要。 与原国家电监会时期相比,隐患较少,负责排查监督管理的主体范围有所扩大。 此外,电力企业安全隐患排查治理不断深入,形成了一些典型经验和做法,需要及时吸收并在全行业推广应用。

此次修订突出了两个要点。 一是全面贯彻落实新安全生产法。 《安全生产法》32次提及“隐患”,对隐患排查管理做出了更严格、更细化的规定,是今后电力安全隐患排查监督管理的重要依据。 二是总结吸收成熟经验和做法。 重点结合《国家发展改革委办公厅、国家能源局综合司关于进一步加强电力安全风险分类管控和隐患排查治理的通知》(发改办能源[ 2021]641号)等文件以及电力公司及相关行业信息。 对一些典型的经验和做法进行了总结和提炼,并纳入修改稿中。

正文由6章组成。 各章具体修改如下。

第一章 一般规定

一是完善隐患界定。 立足工作实际,进一步完善隐患定义,将“违反安全生产法律、法规、规章、标准、程序和安全生产管理制度”和“人的不安全行为”纳入安全生产范畴。隐患。

二是改进了一些表达方式。 增加新的《安全生产法》作为依据。 适应电力安全生产领域联合管理的新形势,按照“三管三必”的原则,将原“电力监管机构”改为“国家能源局及其派出机构”明确了国家能源局及其派出机构、地方电力管理部门的职责。

第二章 分类与分级

一是完善隐患分类。 根据隐患的定义,隐患包括导致电力安全事故的隐患。 为准确表述,将分类中的“其他事故隐患”修改为“其他隐患”; 将“其他隐患”中的“火灾事故危险”和“突发环境事件”中的“事故隐患”删除,统一为“国家能源局根据需要根据法律法规确定的隐患”。 同时,根据工作需要,增加了电力监控系统的网络安全风险。 修订后的危险已从类别 6 更改为类别 7。

二是完善隐患分类。 隐患分为特别严重、重大、重大、一般、轻微五个等级。 认定标准基本对应特别重大事故、特大事故、特大事故、一般事故和电力安全事件。 其中,特大、重大隐患对应新《安全生产法》中的“重大事故隐患”。

第三章 认定原则

一是修订电力安全事故(事件)隐患认定。 由于《电力安全事故应急处置和调查处理条例》(国务院令第599号)明确规定了热电厂停止供热的期限,因此“热电厂停止供热”一词植物指所有时间段”已被删除。 供暖中断”内容。

二是修订安全管理隐患排查原则。 由于达标评级标准取消,发电机组并网安全评价和条件的相关规定被废止,征求意见稿中删除了相关内容。

三是结合分类调整修改相关内容。 增加了识别电力监控系统中潜在网络安全风险的原则。 由于火灾事故隐患不再纳入分类,火灾事故隐患的认定原则也被删除。 结合最新的大坝安全隐患分类,对大坝安全隐患识别原则进行了调整。

第四章 调查与管理

一是规定企业主要负责人的相关职责。 根据新《安全生产法》关于生产经营单位主要负责人职责的规定,电力企业主要负责人对隐患排查治理的职责进行了细化。

二是要求企业建立隐患排查管理制度。 根据新《安全生产法》第四十一条“生产经营单位应当建立健全并落实生产安全事故隐患排查治理制度”,规定电力企业应当建立安全生产事故隐患排查治理制度。生产安全事故隐患排查治理,规定电力企业应当建立资金使用制度。

三是要求企业进行隐患登记。 按照新《安全生产法》“事故隐患排查治理应当如实记录”的规定,要求企业进行隐患登记,并明确隐患登记信息内容。

四是增加涉及其他单位隐患整改的规定。 根据工作惯例,隐患整改工作涉及其他单位的,要求电力企业配合相关单位及时整改。 如有困难,应当报告当地人民政府有关部门协调解决。

五是增加隐患警示规定。 根据实践经验,规定,发现隐患涉及邻近地区、单位或者公众安全的,电力公司应当立即通知邻近地区、单位,并立即报告当地人民政府有关部门,并现场设置安全警示标志。

六是加大对自然灾害隐患的相关规定。 对于因自然灾害可能引发事故和灾害的隐患,规定电力企业应当按照有关规定落实排查治理、预警通报、停止运行、加强监测等安全措施,并向有关部门报告。并及时向当地人民政府及其有关部门报告。

七是增加考核要求。 新《安全生产法》强调,电力企业重大以上隐患治理后,应当进行评估; 国家能源局派出机构或者地方电力管理部门发现的重大以上安全隐患并提出整改要求的,应当符合安全生产条件。 经要求整改隐患的部门审核同意后,方可恢复建设和生产。

八是增加考核责任相关规定。 强调,电力企业委托技术管理服务机构提供隐患排查治理服务的,隐患排查治理责任由单位承担。

九是增加了调查管理“双报”要求。 新《安全生产法》强调,电力企业应当如实记录隐患排查治理情况,并通过职工大会或职工代表大会、信息公告等方式通知职工; 重大以上隐患排查治理情况应当及时向国家能源局派出机构、地方电力管理部门和职工代表大会报告。

十是增加奖惩相关规定。 鼓励电力企业建立隐患排查治理激励约束制度,对发现、举报、消除隐患的人员给予物质奖励或表彰; 对隐瞒隐患或者未及时排查治理的人员,将给予相应处理。

十一、增加“举报人”制度相关规定。 根据《安全生产法》规定,电力企业安全生产管理人员和其他人员发现重大以上安全隐患时,应当向单位有关负责人报告,有关人员主管部门应当及时处理; 有关负责人未及时处理的,安全生产管理人员和其他人员可以向国家能源局及其派出机构、地方电力管理部门报告。

十二是增加外包项目管理相关规定。 明确电力企业承包、租赁生产经营项目时,应当签订安全生产管理协议,明确各方管理职责; 要统一协调管理,定期检查、排查隐患,发现问题及时督促整改。

第五章 监督管理

一是修改上市监管相关规定。 根据《国家发展和改革委员会办公厅国家能源局综合司关于进一步加强电力安全风险管控和隐患排查治理监督通报工作的通知》(发展发改办能源发〔2021〕68号)《国家发展改革委办公厅国家能源局综合司关于进一步加强电力安全风险分级管控和安全生产的通知》 《隐患排查治理办法》(发改办发改办〔2021〕641号)完善了挂牌监管规定,进一步强化监管,同时明确重大以上隐患排查级别是企业的主体责任,企业可以自主认定。

二是增加社会监督新规定。 根据新《安全生产法》,任何单位和个人都有权向国家能源局及其派出机构、地方电力管理部门举报、举报安全隐患。 国家能源局及其派出机构、地方电力管理部门应当畅通投诉举报渠道。

三是完善停工停产相关规定。 新《安全生产法》规定,国家能源局及其派出机构、地方电力管理部门对检查中发现的事故隐患,责令立即消除;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 重大隐患消除前或者消除期间不能保证安全的,责令作业人员撤离危险区域,暂停生产经营或者停止使用有关设施、设备。

四是增加联合惩戒处罚的相关规定。 根据新《安全生产法》,电力企业对事故隐患治理不力,导致事故发生的,将被记入电力安全生产信用信息库; 违法行为严重的,将依法向社会公布,并通报有关部门。 电力公司未如实记录事故隐患排查治理情况的,按照《安全生产法》的规定处理。





第一章 一般规定

第一条【目的依据】为贯彻落实“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的方针,明确电力安全生产隐患(以下简称“隐患”)分类分级标准,规范加强隐患排查治理,建立隐患排查治理长效机制,防止电力事故和电力安全事件发生。 根据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》、《电力监管条例》等有关法律法规和电力行业有关规定,制定本规定。

第二条【适用范围】国家能源局和国家能源局安全生产监督管理职责范围内的发电、输变电、供电企业和电力建设项目的隐患排查治理及相应监督管理其派出机构和当地电力管理部门应当提出申请。 这些规定。

第三条【安全隐患的定义】本条例所称安全隐患,是指电力企业违反安全生产法律、法规、规章、标准、程序和安全生产管理制度或者其他原因引起的行为。在电力生产和建设过程中。 人员的不安全行为、设备设施的不安全状况、作业环境的恶劣以及安全管理的缺陷,都可能导致电力事故和用电安全事故的发生。

第二章 分类与分级


第五条【隐患分类】根据隐患危害程度,将隐患分为特别重大隐患、重大隐患、较大隐患、一般隐患和轻微隐患。 其中,特别重大、重大隐患按照《安全生产法》中的“重大事故隐患”进行管理。





4、大坝安全隐患:特别是国家能源局《水电站大坝工程隐患治理监督管理办法》规定的重大工程隐患; 燃煤电厂储灰场可能造成溃坝的隐患; 安全等级评定为燃煤电厂危险储灰区;







4、大坝安全隐患:国家能源局《水电站大坝工程隐患控制管理监督管理办法》规定的重大工程隐患; 可能造成燃煤电厂储灰场坝体溃坝、垮塌、滑坡或灰水灰。 存在炉渣严重渗漏、排洪设施严重损坏的隐患; 燃煤电厂灰场安全等级评定为病态灰场;







4、大坝安全隐患:国家能源局《水电站大坝工程隐患控制管理监督管理办法》规定的重大工程隐患; 可能造成燃煤电厂储灰场大坝灰水、灰渣渗漏,损坏排洪设施。 隐患;


6、安全管理隐患:按照相关法律法规规定,未设立安全监督管理机构或未配备专职安全管理人员,未建立安全责任体系,安全管理制度、应急处置措施不健全。缺乏规划、安全培训,安全生产标准化工作尚未开展。 存在工程项目未办理工程质量监督手续、水电站大坝未进行安全登记和定期检查、燃煤电厂蓄灰坝未进行安全评估等隐患;










第十条【较小隐患的定义】较小隐患主要包括:国家能源局《电力安全事故监督管理条例》规定的可能导致发生的电力安全事故(水坝事故除外),或者直接经济损失10 1万元以上100万元以下的电气设备设施事故,或者轻微人身伤害,或者其他造成社会影响的安全隐患。

第三章 认定原则

第十一条【最重等级原则】按照客观因素最不利时可能直接造成的最严重后果确定隐患等级。 对不同类型的隐患,应根据其最严重程度进行识别,并可能导致不同程度的事故(事件)。







(一)设备设施隐患的认定,按照隐患可能对设备设施造成的最严重损害计算。 如果设备的某些部件损坏,但损坏部件无法更换,则应计算整个设备的损失。


第十五条【大坝隐患排查】大坝安全隐患排查:水电站大坝安全隐患排查按照国家能源局《水电站大坝工程隐患治理监督管理办法》执行; 燃煤电厂储灰坝属于危险坝、病坝的认定,按照国家能源局关于燃煤电厂储灰场安全监督管理的有关规定执行。








(四)未进行水电站大坝安全登记和定期检查,是指水电站未按照《水电站大坝运行安全监督管理条例》的规定,进行大坝安全登记和定期检查(国家发展和改革委员会令第23号)。 该燃煤电厂未按照国家能源局相关文件开展储灰坝安全等级评估。

第四章 调查与管理

第十八条【主体责任】电力企业是隐患排查治理的责任主体。 电力企业主要负责人是本单位隐患排查治理的第一责任人。 He is fully responsible for the investigation and management of hidden dangers, organizes the establishment and implementation of the system and mechanism for investigation and management of hidden dangers, supervises and inspects the investigation and management of hidden dangers in the unit, and eliminates hidden dangers in a timely manner.

Article 19 [Establishing a basic system] Electric power enterprises shall establish a hidden danger investigation and management system that includes the following contents:

(1) Clarify the requirements, scope of responsibilities, and prevention and control responsibilities of the main person in charge, responsible person in charge, department and position personnel for the investigation and management of hidden dangers;

(2) Prepare a hidden danger inspection list, clarify and detail the hidden danger inspection items, specific content and inspection cycle;

(3) Clarify the procedures for identifying hidden dangers;

(4) Clarify the measures and procedures for handling hidden dangers at all levels;

(5) Organize the evaluation of the results of treatment of hidden dangers above major level;

(6) Organize and carry out corresponding training to improve employees’ ability to investigate and manage hidden dangers;

(7) Other content that should be included.

Article 20 [Guarantee Factor Investment] Electric power enterprises shall ensure the funds, personnel, facilities and equipment required for the investigation and management of potential safety hazards in electric power production, and establish a fund use system.

Article 21 [Carry out Hidden Hazard Investigation] Electric power enterprises shall organize safety production management personnel, engineering technicians and other relevant personnel to investigate the hidden dangers of their units in accordance with the hidden danger determination standards and checklists. The hidden dangers discovered shall be graded according to the classification of hidden dangers. registration in accordance with the principles.

The registration information should include the investigation objects, time, personnel, hidden danger category levels, specific descriptions of hidden dangers, etc., and should be properly preserved after being signed by the person responsible for the hidden danger investigation.

Article 22 [Statistical Reporting 1] Electric power enterprises shall promptly conduct statistical analysis on the investigation and control of hidden dangers in their units, and report the larger hidden dangers of the previous month to the National Energy Administration dispatched offices and local power management departments before the 10th of each month. Check the governance situation (see Appendix 1).

Article 23 [Statistical Reporting 2] Establish an immediate reporting system for hidden dangers above major level. If a power enterprise is assessed to have a hidden danger of major level or above, it shall immediately report it to the local branch of the National Energy Administration and the local power management department. For hidden dangers involving fire protection, environmental protection, flood control, shipping and irrigation, etc. that are of major or higher level, power companies must report to the relevant departments of the local people’s government at the same time. Information reports on hidden dangers above major level should include: the name of the hidden danger, the current status of the hidden danger and the causes of its occurrence, analysis of the hazard level and difficulty of rectification, and the treatment plan for the hidden danger (see Appendix 2).

Article 24 [Hidden Hazard Warning] If a hidden danger involves the safety of adjacent areas, units or the public, the power enterprise shall immediately notify the adjacent areas, units, report to the relevant departments of the local people’s government immediately, and set up safety warning signs on site.

Article 25 [Hidden Hazard Rectification] Electric power enterprises must establish a hidden hazard management ledger, formulate practical rectification plans, implement rectification responsibilities, rectification funds, rectification measures and rectification deadlines, and rectify hidden hazards within a time limit. In the process of treating hidden dangers of major level or above, monitoring should be strengthened, effective preventive measures should be taken, emergency plans should be formulated, and emergency drills should be carried out to achieve controllability and control.

If the rectification work of hidden dangers involves other units, the power enterprise shall coordinate with the relevant units to make timely rectifications. If there are difficulties, it shall be reported to the relevant departments of the local people’s government for coordination and resolution.

Article 26 [Rectification Safety 1] If safety cannot be guaranteed before or during the elimination of major hidden dangers or above, the power enterprise shall stop work and production or stop operating equipment and facilities with major or above hidden dangers, evacuate personnel, and report to the state in a timely manner Reports from agencies dispatched by the Energy Bureau and local power management departments.

Article 27 [Rectification and Safety 2] For hidden dangers that may cause accidents and disasters due to natural disasters, electric power enterprises shall investigate and control them in accordance with relevant regulations, take reliable preventive measures, and formulate emergency plans. When a relevant natural disaster forecast is received, an early warning notice shall be issued in a timely manner; when a natural disaster occurs that may endanger the safety of power enterprises and personnel, safety measures such as stopping operations, evacuating personnel, and strengthening monitoring shall be taken, and timely notification shall be made to the local people’s government and its personnel. Relevant departments report and send a copy to the dispatched office of the National Energy Administration.

Article 28 [Assessment and Review] After the completion of the management of major hidden dangers and above, the power enterprise shall organize technical personnel and experts to evaluate the management of hidden dangers or entrust an institution established in accordance with the law to provide technical and management services for production safety to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of major hidden dangers. Evaluate the management of hidden dangers above level 1. For major hidden dangers or above that are discovered during inspections by the National Energy Administration and local power management departments and require rectification, if they meet the conditions for safe production, construction and production can only be resumed after review and approval by the department that requested rectification.

Article 29 [Assessment Responsibility] If a power enterprise entrusts a technical management service agency to provide hidden danger investigation and management services, the responsibility for hidden danger investigation and management remains with the unit.

Article 30 [“Double Reporting” for Investigation and Management] Electric power enterprises shall truthfully record the status of investigation and management of hidden dangers, and notify employees through workers’ meetings or employee representative meetings, information bulletin boards, etc. Among them, the investigation and management of hidden dangers above major level should be reported in a timely manner to the National Energy Administration and its dispatched offices, local power management departments and workers’ conferences or workers’ congresses.

Article 31 [Reward and Punishment Mechanism] Encourage power enterprises to establish an incentive and restraint system for hidden danger investigation and management, and provide material rewards or commendations to those who have discovered, reported and eliminated hidden dangers; personnel who conceal hidden dangers or perform ineffective investigation and management shall be dealt with accordingly .

Article 32 [Whistleblower System] Safety production management personnel and other personnel of electric power enterprises shall report to the relevant person in charge of the unit when they discover hidden dangers of major level or above, and the relevant person in charge shall deal with them in a timely manner. If the relevant person in charge fails to handle the matter in a timely manner, production safety management personnel and other personnel may report to the National Energy Administration, its dispatched agencies, and local power management departments.

Article 33 [Outsourcing Projects] When a power enterprise outsources a production and operation project, it shall sign a production safety management agreement with the contracting unit, and specify in the agreement the management responsibilities of each party for the investigation, management, and prevention of hidden dangers. Electric power enterprises shall coordinate and manage the hidden danger investigation and control work of contracting units in a unified manner, conduct regular inspections, and promptly urge rectifications when problems are discovered.

Chapter 5 Supervision and Management

Article 34 [Listing Supervision] For particularly major hidden dangers discovered during the investigation, the main person in charge of the group headquarters of the enterprise to which the hidden danger belongs shall be listed for management, and the National Energy Administration shall supervise the handling; for major hidden dangers discovered during the investigation, the principal of the enterprise to which the hidden danger belongs shall be responsible The person in charge of production safety at the group headquarters will be listed for management, and the National Energy Administration’s dispatched agency and the provincial government’s power management department will jointly supervise the supervision. If the National Energy Administration deems it necessary, the supervision can be promoted to a higher level. Listing supervision can be carried out in the form of a listing supervision notice, which mainly includes: supervision name, supervision items, rectification and process prevention and control requirements, processing deadlines, and supervision cancellation procedures and methods.

For particularly major hidden dangers discovered during the investigation, the dispatched agency of the National Energy Administration, together with the power management department of the provincial government, shall report the hidden dangers to the National Energy Administration and the local provincial people’s government respectively within 5 working days; for major hidden dangers discovered during the investigation, Level hidden dangers, the National Energy Administration’s dispatched agency, together with the provincial government power management department, must report the hidden dangers to the National Energy Administration within 10 working days.

Article 35 [Social Supervision] Any unit or individual has the right to report or report hidden dangers to the National Energy Administration, its dispatched agencies, and local power management departments.

Article 36 [Statistical Analysis] The dispatched offices of the National Energy Administration and local power management departments should regularly conduct statistical analysis on the investigation and management of hidden dangers of electric power enterprises in their jurisdictions, and incorporate major hidden dangers and above into relevant information systems.

Article 37 [Suspension of work and production] The National Energy Administration, its dispatched agencies, and local power management departments shall order the immediate elimination of potential accident hazards discovered during inspections; if safety cannot be guaranteed before or during the elimination of major hidden dangers or above, they shall Order workers to evacuate from dangerous areas, temporarily suspend production and business or stop using relevant facilities and equipment.

Article 38 [Joint Punishment] The dispatched agency of the National Energy Administration, together with the local power management department, shall enter the behavior of electric power enterprises that fail to manage hidden dangers and lead to accidents into the electric power production safety credit information database; if the illegal behavior is serious, they shall be punished. Announce to the public in accordance with the law and notify the investment authorities, natural resources authorities, securities regulatory agencies and relevant financial institutions.

Article 39 [Penalty] The electric power enterprise failed to truthfully record the investigation and management of potential accident hazards or failed to notify the employees, the main person in charge of the enterprise failed to perform the relevant duties of investigation and management of hidden dangers, failed to establish a system for the investigation and management of hidden dangers, or failed to establish a system for the investigation and management of hidden dangers, or failed to report the situation to a major level or above. Failure to report hidden danger investigation and management status in accordance with regulations, failure to take measures to eliminate hidden dangers, etc. shall be punished in accordance with the “Work Safety Law”; if a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be pursued in accordance with relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.


Article 40 The term “above” mentioned in these regulations includes the original number, and the term “less than” does not include the original number.

Article 41 The National Energy Administration is responsible for the interpretation and supervision of the implementation of these regulations.

Article 42 These regulations shall be implemented from the date of issuance. The “Notice on Issuance” (Electricity Supervision and Administration Safety (2013) No. 5) and the “Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Management of Potential Safety Hazards in Electrical Equipment (Facilities)” (Electrical and Electricity Supervision and Administration Safety (2012) No. 43) were abolished at the same time.

