




新中国的石油工业是在极其落后、基础薄弱的基础上发展起来的。 1949年,全国石油产量仅为12万吨,国内使用的石油产品几乎全部依赖进口。 为解决社会主义建设各方面对石油的迫切需要,党中央高度重视石油工业发展,成立专门机构,动员各方力量,建成新中国第一个石油工业基地在甘肃玉门,掀起了全国油气行业的热潮。 生产建设高潮。 1955年,克拉玛依油田的发现,实现了新中国石油工业的首次突破。 1958年,党中央作出“战略东移”的重大决策,发现并开发了大庆油田。 1963年,我国实现了“石油基本自给”的历史性转变,随后相继开发建设了胜利、华北、辽河等大型油田,建成了大庆石化、石油化工等一批重大工程。 “8月3日”管道。 1978年,我国原油年产量突破1亿吨,正式进入世界主要产油国行列。

改革开放后,随着全党工作重心转向社会主义现代化建设,为满足经济快速发展和国防建设对石油石化产品的需求,石油工业毅然实施了战略布局。按照党中央提出的“稳定东部、开发西部”的方针,石油勘探开发攻坚战的主战场从东部延伸到西部,从陆地延伸到海洋。 链条不断延伸和完善,成为国民经济的支柱。 经过多次战略调整重组,我国基本形成了以中石油、中石化、中海油、延长石油为主导的新格局。 2010年和2011年国内原油和天然气产量分别超过2亿吨。 以及1000亿立方米的新水平。

党的十八大以来,石油工业以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚定不移坚持党的领导,加强党的建设,全面深化改革创新,积极参与“一带一路”建设。 持续深化,油气产量当量稳定增长,炼化布局结构持续优化,油气销售网络不断完善,油服业务市场竞争力持续提升,油服业务规模大幅提升产业综合实力和国际竞争力。 被《财富》杂志评为世界500强企业。

积极探索中国特色社会主义石油工业改革发展道路。 在石油工业发展过程中,党中央领导有关部门积极探索行业发展规律,调整优化发展战略,创新管理体制机制,优化完善发展政策,最大限度解放和发展生产力。 新中国成立后,为了尽快改变石油工业薄弱落后的局面,党中央专门成立了主管部门,对全国石油工业实行集中统一领导和管理,对油气田勘探开发实行准军事组织制度,并下发文件动员国家有关部门。 各部门、省市、厂矿、大专院校、科研院所和解放军开展了大规模合作。 这种独特的“石油战役”模式有效适应了我国的生产关系和生产力水平,充分发挥了我国社会主义制度的集中集权。 用实力办大事的巨大优势,有力推动了油气田勘探开发和产量快速增长。 改革开放后,党中央、国务院优化调整石油工业管理体制,实施陆上石油开发“亿吨原油合同生产”政策。 石油工业部成为我国第一个实行全行业承包的部门。 总公司全面对外开展海洋石油勘探开发合作,设立石化总公司,对炼油化工行业实行集中统一管理。 1998年,两大石油石化集团进行战略重组,推进重组上市。 2019年,新成立的国家管网公司实行油气干线管道独立运营。 正是在党的坚强领导和战略引领下,我国石油工业实现了持续健康快速协调发展,为世界各国石油工业发展贡献了中国智慧、中国方案。

高效建成完整的石油工业体系和世界第一大油气生产国。 经过70多年的努力,我国已建立起独立完整的石油工业体系,形成了涵盖油气勘探开发、炼油化工、储运、销售贸易等完整的石油产业链,以及科研设计、工程技术、工程建设、装备制造、能源金融等业务。 党的十八大以来,我国石油工业坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记“四革命一合作”新能源安全战略,全面深化改革开放,全面推动高质量发展。 专业门类更加齐全,技术管理更加先进。 布局结构更加合理,综合实力和国际竞争力不断增强,产业规模跻身世界前列。 截至2020年底,我国石油、天然气剩余探明可采储量分别为35.5亿吨、8.4万亿立方米,炼油能力达到8.5亿吨/年,大型炼油基地14个,产能10个已建成万吨,油气管道总里程达到16.5万公里。 2020年,我国石油和天然气产量分别达到1.95亿吨和1925亿立方米,原油加工量达到6.74亿吨,成为世界第六大石油生产国、第四大天然气生产国和第二大石油生产国精炼机。

有效保障了国民经济建设和国防建设的油气供应。 70年来,石油工业在发展自身生产的同时,实现了利税总体稳定增长,为国家财政收入、外汇储备的增加和综合国力的提高作出了贡献。 1960年代初发动的大庆石油战役和炼油战役,实现了石油和石油产品的自给自足,支持了国家经济建设,保障了国内石油供应和国防石油,帮助我国坚持独立自主的外交路线和促进工业化。 流程发挥着重要作用。 石油工业总产值由1952年的0.5%提高到1978年的5.8%,财政周转占全国工业企业财政周转总额的比重由1952年的2.1%提高到1978年的26.5% .. 1966年至1978年,石油出口累计创汇约50亿美元,成为当时国家主要外汇来源,为引进国外关键技术和设备提供了资金保障。 改革开放后,石油工业作为国家经济社会发展的重要基础产业和支撑产业,为全面建设小康社会、促进地方经济发展提供了能源动力。 例如,大庆油田开发建设62年来,累计生产原油24.3亿吨,上缴税金和各项资金2.9万亿元。 开发51年来,长庆油田累计生产油气当量8亿多吨,建成年油气当量6000万吨以上的世界级油气田,新疆油田、兰州石化、吉林石化等多家石油企业已成为当地经济支柱和纳税大户。 2020年,整个石油石化行业主营业务收入突破11万亿元,利润总额近5200亿元,分别占全国规模工业主营业务收入和利润总额的10%和8%,上缴税费突破8000亿元。

勇敢担当国有企业国际化经营的排头兵和“一带一路”建设的主力军。 1978年,党中央吹响改革开放的号角后,石油工业在全国工业部门中率先对外开放,积极引进国外资金、技术、设备和管理,实施石油天然气勘探开发和炼油化工现代化。 20世纪90年代,石油公司积极响应党中央“国际国内资源并举、两个市场并举”的战略部署,率先参与海外油气项目合作,开创了中石油全面开放合作的良好局面。勘探开发、工程技术服务、国际贸易。 。 党的十八大以来,石油工业坚决贯彻党中央决策部署,充分发挥“一带一路”能源主体作用,广泛开展国际合作能源合作,积极参与全球能源治理,推动构建国际能源合作利益共同体,实现合作共赢新水平。 截至2020年底,中国石油企业在中东、美洲、中亚、非洲等50多个国家开发了200多个油气项目,基本建成中部地区5大海外油气合作区。亚俄、中东、非洲、美洲、亚太,横跨我国西北、东北、西南、东部四大油气战略通道和欧洲、美洲三大运营中心亚太,形成全方位、多层次、宽领域的开放格局。 2020年,我国海外油气权益产量当量达到2亿吨,油气管道里程达到2万公里,油气进出口贸易额突破2400亿美元,油气燃气设备将出口到80多个国家和地区。 油气合作已成为“一带一路”建设的重要合作内容。 伊拉克、伊朗、哈萨克斯坦、苏丹等“一带一路”国家建设了现代化油田和炼油厂,打通了与俄罗斯、缅甸等周边国家的油气战略通道。 已成为我国与“一带一路”沿线国家合作的典范。

石油工业科技创新成效显着。 作为技术密集型产业,技术创新始终占据重要的战略地位,在石油工业发展中发挥着重要的战略作用。 70多年来,一代代石油工人坚持科技自力更生、自强不息,把饱满的工作热情和严谨的科学态度结合起来,在探索和实践中总结经验,在理论方面取得了丰硕成果。创新和重大技术突破。 新中国成立初期创新形成的“陆地生油论”推动了大庆、胜利等一批特大型油气田的发现。 催化、裂解等“五朵金花”技术的成功研发和工业化应用,打破了国外的技术封锁,推动了石油石化工业的跨越式发展。 党的十八大以来,我国石油行业广大科技工作者认真落实国家创新驱动战略。 多项关键核心技术取得重大突破。 陆上常规油气勘探开发技术保持国际领先。 进入国际先进企业行列,在国家油气创新体系中占据重要地位。 比如,超深井、深海、深层、非常规油气勘探的理论创新和技术突破,为国内油气“增储上产”提供了技术支撑; “跨越式发展,我国成为全球累计试采可燃冰产气量最大的国家;全球首台高强高模聚酰亚胺纤维百吨装置等多项核心技术已研发成功,占领了石油石化行业的国际制高点,更重要的是,近年来通过政府、企业、高校、行业组织和科研机构的联合攻关,形成了一系列“卡脖子”技术我国石油工业的难题正在迅速攻克,国家重大科技攻关新体制机制逐步建立,重大装备国产化率大幅提高,目前炼油装备国产化率超过90%,百万吨乙烯装置国产化率超过85%。 为横向科技自立自强、建设国家战略科技力量奠定了基础条件。

逐步建立中国特色现代国有企业制度。 改革开放后,石油工业坚决贯彻党中央统一部署,坚持社会主义市场经济改革方向。 管理体制逐步由政府部门管理转变为实业性公司和综合性大型产业集团。 1998年,党中央对石油公司进行战略重组后,中石油、中石化等石油公司遵循国际规范和规范,运用现代管理理论、方法和手段,不断推进管理体制和运行机制改革持续深化内部专业重组、上市及非上市业务改组或受托管理,集团及股份母公司制度框架建设,股份公司法人治理结构规范运行,基本理顺理清内部产权关系,构建具有石油公司特点的公司治理体系和制度框架。 党的十八大以来,在习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想指导下,石油企业确立了完善现代企业制度、推进石油现代化的改革总目标。公司治理体系和治理能力,构建“1+N”全面深化改革基本框架,推动党的领导融入公司治理体系,丰富和完善公司战略体系,不断调整和优化管理体系和控制模式,建立健全内部运行机制,不断完善以公司章程为指导的制度体系。 中国特色现代企业制度基本建立,企业管理效率和效益不断提高,为中国特色现代国有企业制度建设提供了经验。

为提高人民生活质量、建设美丽中国做出贡献。 70多年来,新中国石油工业认真贯彻党的宗旨,唱响“我把石油奉献给祖国”的主旋律,始终保持为祖国加油、为民族奋斗、为祖国赋能的初心。为人民美好生活,努力提供更多、更好的清洁油气资源和产品。 新中国成立之初,石油工业为解决人民温饱问题,建设了辽阳石化等一批乙烯、化肥、化纤项目,生产“清凉” ”以及农业化肥的大规模推广,为人民生活质量的提高提供了解决方案。 物质基础。 改革开放后,为不断满足人民群众对生态环境和美好生活的需要,石油工业加大了天然气、清洁油品、高端化学品的生产、引进和供应。 天然气在一次能源消费结构中的比重从2000年到2000年从1.8%提高到2020年的8.4%,仅用了10年时间就实现了石油质量升级,走完了欧美国家20年走过的路。 越来越多的高端化工产品和新材料实现国内规模化生产。 它降低了人们的衣食住行成本,提高了质量。 石油工业为我国城镇化和全面建设小康社会进程做出了突出贡献。 石油工业及其衍生产业链为当地提供了大量就业机会。 昔日沙漠、荒原高原的石油石化矿区逐步形成大庆、克拉玛依现代石油城、石化城,石油企业定点扶贫县全部脱贫。 面对汶川地震、玉树地震、非典、Covid-19疫情等重大灾害,广大石油人坚定履行了“山崩路断、断路供油”的庄严承诺。 ”,开足马力生产能源和急需物资,调动多方资源满足供应需求。 。 近年来,石油行业顺应全球能源转型和绿色发展趋势,落实碳达峰和碳中和要求,积极推进清洁生产和循环经济,加快新能源和可再生能源布局和发展,大力加强环境污染治理能源资源利用水平显着提高,主要污染物排放量持续下降,积极开展绿色产品、绿色工厂、绿色园区评价创建活动,构建绿色工业体系。产业已初步建立。

大庆精神、铁人精神已成为中华民族伟大精神的重要组成部分。 70年来,几代石油人辛勤耕耘、艰苦奋斗。 他们在创造巨大物质财富的同时,也创造了巨大精神财富,涌现出王进喜、王启民等英雄人物。 在大庆油田开发建设过程中,以铁人王进喜为代表的大庆人用实际行动创造了以“爱国、创业、求实、奉献”为主要内涵的大庆精神,形成了“三大精神”。 “长老四严”、“四同”、“三导向、五现场”、“岗位责任制”、“五功传家”等优良传统作风。 1964年,党中央向全国工业战线发出“工业向大庆学习”的号召,使大庆成为我国工业战线的一面旗帜。 2019年9月,习近平总书记致信祝贺大庆油田发现60周年时指出,要大力弘扬大庆精神、铁人精神,持续改革创新,推动高水平发展。高质量发展,肩负起标杆、建设百年油田的重大责任。 为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦作出新的更大贡献。 近年来,大庆精神、铁人精神在生产建设实践中不断丰富、创新、发展,为新时代我国石油工业高质量发展注入强大动力。


一部新中国石油工业的发展史,是一部艰苦创业的历史、一部为国无私奉献的历史、一部波澜壮阔的改革史、一部勇于开拓的历史、一部敢为人先的创新史、一部在中国共产党的领导下,创造和谐、造福人民。 一部爱党兴党的光辉历史,也是一部大庆精神、铁人精神形成、发展、继承、弘扬的历史。 党领导新中国石油工业从无到有、从弱到强发展。 在石油百年党史上留下了浓墨重彩的印记,积累了丰富的经验和启示。

(一)要始终坚持党的领导,听从党的号召,听从党的指挥,坚决做党和国家最值得信赖的骨干。 中国石油工业的发展壮大是在党的领导下发展起来的,每一步都与国家的改革发展紧密相连。 在每一个关系到石油工业发展的关键时刻,党和国家领导人都及时作出重要批示,为石油工业发展指明方向。 早在1944年5月,毛泽东同志就给延长石油厂厂长陈振霞同志写下了“努力奋斗”的题词。 从此,党领导下的石油工业深深烙上了“永远听党话、跟党走”的烙印。 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志批准将中国人民解放军第十九军第57师改制为石油工程第一师,8000余名官兵奔赴主战场。石油战线,开启石油工业新篇章。 1958年,党中央作出勘探开发“战略东进”的重大决策,石油工业实现历史性突破。 党的十八大以来,习近平总书记提出“四革命一合作”新能源安全战略,就国有企业和党的改革发展发表一系列重要论述大力加大勘探开发力度,加强天然气生产。 关于供储销体系建设的多项重要指示的出台,为新时代石油工业高质量发展指明了方向。 历史和实践证明,只有坚定不移同党中央保持高度一致,始终以党的旗帜为旗帜,以党的方向为方向,以党的意志为意志,才能始终保持与党同呼吸、共命运的政治基础。 ,能否实现振兴石油为国、振兴石油为党的政治追求。

(二)要始终坚持用党的科学理论武装头脑、指导实践、推动工作,牢牢把握石油工业发展的正确方向。 新中国石油工业始终坚持学习领会马克思主义科学理论特别是马克思主义中国化最新成果,做到全面理解、学用结合、知行合一。 大庆石油保卫战中,石油工人依靠毛泽东的《实践论》、《矛盾论》和《两个理论》出发,依靠“二分法”前进,坚持把实践放在第一位,坚持抓住主要矛盾并用辩证法从唯物主义的角度分析、研究、解决工作中的一系列问题,一举“把贫油国的帽子扔进了太平洋”。 进入新时代,中国石油工业坚持学习领会实践习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,严格落实“一题”制度,建立学习贯彻习总书记精神的实施机制习近平的重要指示,并在党的创新理论中寻找出路、寻找答案。 特别是2020年以来,在全球经济衰退、油价下跌的背景下,石油行业广大干部职工坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,贯彻落实习近平总书记关于统筹推进疫情防控和经济社会发展。 我们按照一系列重要讲话和重要指示精神,全力抗击疫情、捍卫利益。 我们在非常不寻常的一年里取得了不平凡的成就,向党和人民交出了一份记录。 编年史的合格答卷。 历史和实践证明,只有坚持学习运用马克思主义及其中国化创新理论成果,把学习成果转化为提升党性意识和思想境界的精神营养,把党的路线方针政策贯彻落实到企业发展战略和只有这样,石油工业才能不断从胜利走向新的胜利。

(三)要始终坚持创新为核心,自觉肩负推动高水平科技自力更生的使命。 新中国石油工业始终坚持创新发展,把创新置于发展全局的核心,将创新融入石油工业发展建设的各个领域、各个环节。 In the 1960s, oilmen insisted on independence and self-reliance, and almost painted a grand blueprint for the new China’s oil industry on a blank sheet of paper. After the reform and opening up, the petroleum industry has thoroughly implemented the strategy of “rejuvenating the country through science and education”, deepened the reform of science and technology systems and mechanisms, cultivated a large number of high-level scientific and technological talents, and continued to break through major core technology bottlenecks. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the petroleum industry has accelerated scientific and technological innovation, continuously improved its core competitiveness, and made significant progress in the research and application of key core technologies based on the urgent and long-term needs of the country and industry. Faced with the rapidly changing development situation of petroleum science and technology, the majority of scientific and technological workers have bravely climbed to the peak of science and technology, built innovative highlands, overcome technical problems one after another, achieved many “firsts” and “bests”, and established an excellent foundation for the development of my country’s petroleum industry. meritorious service. History and practice have proven that only by always adhering to innovation as the core and promoting high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance can the petroleum industry effectively respond to changes in the development environment, enhance development momentum, and seize the development initiative, and petroleum enterprises can continuously form new innovative and competitive advantages. , contributing to my country’s accelerating the construction of a scientific and technological power and becoming a major scientific center and innovation highland in the world.

(4) We must always adhere to deepening reform as the driving force and conscientiously fulfill the major responsibility of making state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises stronger, better, and larger. New China’s petroleum industry resolutely implements the central government’s decisions and deployments on comprehensively deepening reforms, resolutely eliminates the shortcomings of various systems and mechanisms, and strives to enhance the systemic, holistic and coordinated nature of reforms. The development and innovation vitality of the petroleum industry has been significantly enhanced. At the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, our party transplanted the People’s Liberation Army’s “multi-arms coordinated operations” experience into oil development and construction, creating a unique “oil battle” model, which effectively gave full play to the ability of our country’s socialist system to concentrate its efforts on Institutional advantages for major events. After the reform and opening up, the petroleum industry successively implemented major reform measures such as expanding enterprise management autonomy, internal contract management responsibility system, simulating the internal market, and oil company system exploration, and gradually realized the transformation from planning to market. Entering a new era, petroleum companies resolutely implement the central government’s decisions and arrangements on deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises and the reform of the oil and gas system. In accordance with the requirements of establishing and improving the modern state-owned enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, they strive to promote the modernization of corporate governance systems and governance capabilities, and deeply implement the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises. Action plans, reforms in key areas and key links have achieved significant results. History and practice have proved that only by always adhering to deepening reform as the driving force, resolutely making state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises stronger, better, and larger, and ensuring the maintenance and appreciation of state-owned assets, can the petroleum industry continue to achieve quality changes, efficiency changes, and power changes, and oil companies can Continuously form high-quality development advantages and global competitiveness, promote the stable and long-term development of the petroleum industry, sustainable and healthy development, and play a strategic supporting role in ensuring national energy security.

(5) We must always practice the party’s purpose and mass line, and always maintain the unremitting pursuit of cheering for the motherland, fighting for the nation, and empowering the people for a better life. New China’s petroleum industry has always adhered to the people-centered development philosophy of seeking happiness for the people, vigorously developed the main oil and gas industry, increased the supply of clean energy, and contributed to economic and social development and improving people’s living standards. For more than 70 years, the petroleum industry has made every effort to ensure national energy security, insisting on being based domestically, exploring internationally, and developing both oil and gas, becoming the “ballast stone” for my country’s oil and gas supply security. Conscientiously implement Xi Jinping’s thoughts on ecological civilization, insist on being a producer and supplier of green and clean energy, formulate green and low-carbon development strategic goals, carbon peak and carbon neutral implementation paths and strategic measures, and strive to build a green industrial structure and low-carbon energy supply Chain, clean natural gas enters thousands of households and benefits hundreds of millions of people. It fully supports and devotes itself to the overall fight against the epidemic, urgently arranges the production of anti-epidemic raw materials and anti-epidemic materials, and operates at full capacity to produce masks, disinfectants and other urgently needed medical supplies and chemical raw materials, demonstrating the responsibility of a big country. Actively participated in winning the battle against poverty, and all poverty-stricken areas with fixed-point poverty alleviation and counterpart assistance were lifted out of poverty. History and practice have proved that only by adhering to the supremacy of the people and taking the people’s yearning for a better life as the goal of struggle can the petroleum industry gain support from the overwhelming majority of the people, and the development of enterprises can always maintain vitality and prosperity.

(6) We must always insist on inheriting the red cultural genes, and build a spiritual home that gathers strength and overcomes difficulties. More than 60 years ago, under extremely difficult conditions, the oilmen represented by Iron Man Wang Jinxi, with their tenacious will and lofty drive to “would rather live 20 years shorter than win the big oil fields”, completed the oilfield project in just over 3 years. Won the victory of the Great War and built my country’s largest oil production base on the wasteland. For more than 60 years, the petroleum industry has carried forward the spirit of Daqing and the Iron Man, leading millions of petroleum workers to overcome difficulties and achieve success. The Daqing spirit and the Iron Man spirit have become an important part of the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists. They are a vivid portrayal of the will and quality of the oil people. They are a concentrated expression of the patriotic enthusiasm, entrepreneurial fighting spirit, realistic style and dedication of the oil people. They are the power and responsibility of the oil people. The full display of oil, oil value, and oil image is a precious spiritual wealth that inspires the Chinese people to brave difficulties and forge ahead. History and practice have proved that only by unswervingly carrying forward the Daqing spirit and the Iron Man spirit, inheriting the red gene, continuing the red blood, and building a spiritual home for millions of oil people, can the oil industry always maintain strong and vigorous vitality and combat effectiveness, and can it overcome obstacles all the way. Seize the pass, continue to grow and develop.

(7) We must always unswervingly grasp and strengthen party building, and transform the party’s political and organizational advantages into development and competitive advantages. Adhering to the leadership of the party and strengthening party building are the “root” and “soul” of state-owned enterprises. The petroleum industry has inherited and carried forward the fine tradition of the People’s Liberation Army of “building branches in companies”, building party branches in basic production units such as grassroots stations and workshops, and exploring and forming the “three bases”, “two grasps” and “four diligence and four observations”. 。 Five years since the National Conference on Party Building in State-owned Enterprises was held, petroleum companies have thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and party building, and conscientiously implemented the general requirements for party building in the new era and the party’s organizational line in the new era. Focusing closely on the central tasks of reform, development and production and operation, we must clearly adhere to the party’s leadership and strengthen party building, regard the “two safeguards” as the highest political principles and fundamental political rules, adhere to the “two consistency”, and insist on laying the foundation at the grassroots level. Focus on building a “big party building” work pattern, and strive to build an oil iron army that practices “two maintenances”. History and practice have proved that only by taking party building as the greatest political achievement and continuously improving the quality of party building work with pragmatic measures can the leadership of the party organization in the petroleum industry be continuously improved, internal cohesion be enhanced, vitality and creativity be stimulated, and the high-quality development of enterprises be strong. political guarantee.

Throughout the development history of more than 70 years, the great Communist Party of China has always been a strong leading force leading the oil industry to forge ahead and win continuously. Every step in the reform, innovation and development of the new China’s oil industry is closely related to the future and destiny of the party and the country. Standing at the historical intersection of “Two Centenary Years”, my country’s petroleum industry will resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, continue to promote green and low-carbon transformation and high-quality development, and effectively ensure the national energy Make new and greater contributions to the security and comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country.